Structure: Quantum theory - principles and
techniques; applications to particle in a
box, harmonic oscillator, rigid rotor and
hydrogen atom; valence bond and molecular
orbital theories and Huckel approximation,
approximate techniques: variation and
perturbation; symmetry, point groups;
rotational, vibrational, electronic, NMR and
ESR spectroscopy.
Equilibrium: First law of thermodynamics,
heat, energy and work; second law of
thermodynamics and entropy; third law and
absolute entropy; free energy; partial molar
quantities; ideal and non-ideal solutions;
phase transformation: phase rule and phase
diagrams- one, two, and three component
systems; activity, activity coefficient,
fugacity and fugacity coefficient ; chemical
equilibrium, response of chemical
equilibrium to temperature and pressure;
colligative properties; kinetic theory of
gases; thermodynamics of electrochemical
cells; standard electrode potentials:
applications - corrosion and energy
conversion; molecular partition function (translational,
rotational, vibrational and electronic).
Kinetics: Rates of chemical reactions,
theories of reaction rates, collision and
transition state theory; temperature
dependence of chemical reactions; elementary
reactions, consecutive elementary reactions;
steady state approximation, kinetics of
photochemical reactions and free radical
polymerization, homogenous and heterogeneous
Non-Transition Elements: General
characteristics, structure and reactions of
simple and industrially important compounds,
boranes, carboranes, silicates, silicones,
diamond and graphite; hydrides, oxides and
oxoacids of N, P, S and halogens; boron
nitride, borazines and phosphazenes; xenon
compounds. Shapes of molecules, hard-soft
acid base concept.
Transition Elements: General characteristics
of d and f block elements; coordination
chemistry: structure and isomerism,
stability, theories of metal-ligand bonding
(CFT and LFT), electronic spectra and
magnetic properties of transition metal
complexes and lanthanides; metal carbonyls,
metal-metal bonds and metal atom clusters,
metallocenes; transition metal complexes
with bonds to hydrogen, alkyls, alkenes, and
arenes; metal carbenes; use of
organometallic compounds as catalysts in
organic synthesis; mechanisms of
substitution and electron transfer reactions
of coordination complexes. Role of metals
with special reference to Na, K, Mg, Ca, Fe,
Co, Zn, and Mo in biological systems.
Solids: Crystal systems and lattices, Miller
planes, crystal packing, crystal defects;
Bragg's Law; ionic crystals, band theory,
metals and semiconductors. Spinels.
Instrumental methods of analysis: atomic
absorption, UV-visible spectrometry,
chromatographic and electro-analytical
Synthesis, reactions and mechanisms
involving the following: Alkenes, alkynes,
arenes, alcohols, phenols, aldehydes, ketones, carboxylic acids and their
derivatives; halides, nitro compounds and
amines; stereochemical and conformational
effects on reactivity and specificity;
reactions with diborane and peracids.
Michael reaction, Robinson annulation,
reactivity umpolung, acyl anion equivalents;
molecular rearrangements involving electron
deficient atoms.
Photochemistry: Basic principles,
photochemistry of olefins, carbonyl
compounds, arenes, photo oxidation and
Pericyclic reactions: Cycloadditions,
electrocyclic reactions, sigmatropic
reactions; Woodward-Hoffmann rules.
Heterocycles: Structural properties and
reactions of furan, pyrrole, thiophene,
pyridine, indole.
Biomolecules: Structure, properties and
reactions of mono- and di-saccharides,
physico-chemical properties of amino acids,
structural features of proteins and nucleic
Spectroscopy: Principles and applications of
IR, UV-visible, NMR and mass spectrometry in
the determination of structures of organic