Mechanics and Engineering Mathematics
Equivalent force systems. Equations of equilibrium. Two dimensional frames and trusses. Free body diagrams. Friction forces. Particle kinematics and dynamics.
Limit, continuity, and differentiability of functions of several variables. Partial derivatives and their geometrical interpretations. Implicit functions. Derivatives of higher order and their commutativity. Euler’s theorem on homogeneous functions and harmonic functions. Tailors expansion for functions of several variables. Maxima and minima of functions of several variables. Lagrangian method of multipliers. Ordinary differential equations: first order, separable, exact, homogeneous, linear and Bernoulli’s form. Matrix algebra: vector space, linear dependence, rank and inverse of matrix. Solution of algebraic equations: consistency conditions, eigen values and eigen vectors. Probability and Statistics: random variables, distributions, mathematical expectation, Bayes’ Theorem, central limit theorem, sample distributions, estimation, hypothesis testing. Correlation. Regression: simple, multiple, and partial.
Mine Development, Geomechanics and Strata Control
Drivages for underground mine development. Drilling methods and machines. Explosives, blasting devices and practices. Shaft sinking. Physico-mechanical properties of rocks. Rock mass classification. Ground control instrumentation and stress measurement techniques. Theories of rock failure. Ground vibrations. Stress distribution around mine openings. Subsidence. Design of supports in roadways and workings. Stability of open pits slopes.
Mining Methods and Machinery: Surface mining
layout, development, loading, transportation, and mechanization. Continuous surface mining systems. Underground coal mining: bord and pillar system, longwall mining, thick seam mining methods. Underground metal mining: different stoping methods, stope mechanization, ore handling systems. Mine filling.
Generation and transmission of mechanical, hydraulic, and pneumatic power. Materials handling: haulages, conveyors, ropeways, face and development machinery, hoisting systems, and pumps.
Ventilation, Underground Hazards and Surface Environment
Underground atmosphere. Heat load sources and thermal environment. Air cooling. Mechanics of air flow distribution. Natural and mechanical ventilation. Mine fans and their usage. Auxiliary ventilation.
Subsurface hazards from fires, explosions, gases, dust, and inundation. Rescue apparatus and practices. Safety in mines, accident analysis. Noise. Mine lighting.
Air and water pollution: causes, dispersion, quality standards, and control.
Surveying, Mine Planning and Systems Engineering
Fundamentals of engineering surveying. Levels and levelling. Theodolite. Tacheometry. Triangulation. Contouring. Errors and adjustments. Correlation. Underground surveying. Curves. Photogrammetry. Field astronomy. GPS fundamentals.
Principles of planning: sampling methods and practices. Reserve estimation techniques. Basics of geostatistics. Optimization of facility location. Cash flow concepts and mine valuation. Open pit design.
Work study. Concepts of reliability, reliability of series and parallel systems.
Linear programming. Transportation and assignment problems. Queueing. Network analysis. Inventory control.