1. The toughness index of clayey soils is given by
(a) Plasticity index/Flow index (b) Liquid limit/Plastic limit
(c) Liquidity index/Plastic limit (d) Plastic limit/Liquidity index.
2. Principle involved in the relationship between submerged unit weight and saturated weight of a soil is based on
- Equilibrium of floating bodies
- Archimedes' principle
- Stokes' law
- Darcy's law
3. For an anisotropic soil, permeabilities in x and y directions are
k x and k y respectively in a two dimensional flow. The effective
permeability k eff for the soil is given by
(a) k x + k y

- (k x 2 + k y 2) 1/2
- (k xk y) 1/2
5.Cohesion in soil
(a) decreases active pressure and increases passive resistance
(b) decreases both active pressure and passive resistance
(c) increases the active pressure and decreases the passive resistance
(d) increases both active pressure and passive resistance 6.Consolidation in soils
(a) is a function of the effective stress
(b) does not depend on the present stress
(c) is a function of the pore water pressure
(d) is a function of the total stress
7.The sequent depth ratio of a hydraulic jump in a rectangular
horizontal channel is 10.30. The Froude Number at the beginning of the
jump is
(a) 5.64 (b) 7.63
(c) 8.05 (d) 13.61
8.In an iceberg, 15% of the volume projects above the sea surface.
If the specific weight of sea water is 10.5 kN/m 3, the specific weight
of iceberg in kN/m 3 is
(a) 12.52 (b) 9.81
(c) 8.93 (d) 7.83
9.The ordinate of the Instantaneous Unit Hydrograph (IUH) of a catchment at any, time t, is
(a) the slope of the 1-hour unit hydrograph at that time
(b) the slope of the direct runoff unit hydrograph at that time
(c) difference in the slope of the S - curve and 1 - hour unit hydrograph
(d) the slope of the S-curve with effective rainfall intensity of 1cm/hr
10.An isochrone is a line on the basin map
(a) joining raingauge stations having equal rainfall duration
(b) joining points having equal rainfall depth in a given time interval
(c) joining points having equal time of travel of surface runoff to the catchment outlet.
(d) joining points which are at equal distance from the catchment outlet.
11.In a steady radial flow into an intake, the velocity is found to
vary as (1/r 2), where r is the radial distance. The acceleration of
the flow is proportional to
12.A soil formation through which only seepage is possible, being
partly permeable and capable of giving insignificant yield, is
classified as
(a) Aquifer (b) Aquitard
(c) Aquifuge (d) Aquiclude
13.Temporary hardness in water is caused by the presence of
(a) Bicarbonates of Ca and Mg (b) Sulphates of Ca and Mg
(c) Chlorides of Ca and Mg (d) Nitrates of Ca and Mg
14.Blue baby disease (methaemoglobinemia) in children is caused by the presence of excess
(a) Chlorides (b) Nitrates
(c) Fluoride (d) Lead
15.Standard 5-day BOD of a waster water sample is nearly x% of the ultimate BOD, where x is
16. The minimum dissolved oxygen content (ppm) in a river necessary for the survival of aquatic life is
(a) 0 (b) 2
(c) 4 (d) 8
17. Chlorine is sometimes used in sewage treatment
(a) to avoid flocculation
(b) to increase biological activity of bacteria
(c) to avoid bulking of activated sludge
(d) to help in grease separation
18. The total length (in km) of the existing National Highways in India is in the range of
- 15,000 to 25,000
- 25,000 to 35,000
- 35,000 to 45,000
- 45,000 to 55,000
19. The relationship between the length (I) and radius (r) of an ideal transition curve is given by
- l a r
- l a r 2
- l a (1/r)
- l a (1/r 2)
20.Rapid curing cutback bitumen is produced by blending bitumen with
(a) Kerosene (b) Benzene
(c) Diesel (d) Petrol
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