Que. 1 In telephones,the dial tone has a freq. of A 1hz B 13 hz C 33 hz D 133 hz
Que. 2 the transmitting antenna to be used for telivision broadcast is necessarily A a parabolic reflector B a high directive antenna C an omnidirectional antenna D none of these
Que. 3 A standard refrences antenna for directivity is A element doublet B half wave dipole C isotropic antenna D Rhombic antenna
Que.4 maximum voltage is induced in a loop antenna if it is placed A parallel to the incoming wave B all right angles to the incoming wave C at 45degree to the incoming wave D none of the above
Que. 5 the advantage of marconi antenna over the ungrounded antenna is that A only one fourth of the height is required as compared ungrounded antenna B one half of the height is required as compared ungrounded antenna C no capacitance is required D none of the above
Que. 6 The antenna best guided by a wave guide A biconical B horn C helical D discone
Que. 7 Night effect is most prominent in A Adcock antenna B vertical antenna C loop antenna D all of these
Que. 8 UHF and microwaves in the freq. range 300mHz to 30 Ghz can be best transmitted using A sky wave propagation B ground wave propagation C duct propagation D none of these propagation
Que. 9 In a medium if e.u and 0- are constant through out the medium then it is known as A perfect medium B distributed medium C homogeneous medium D dielectric medium
Que. 10 When an electromagnetic wave travelling in one medium strikes upon a secound medium the wave will be A totally transmitted B totally reflected C neither transmitted nor reflected D partially transmitted and partially reflected
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