Que. 1 Which one of the following is equivalent to AND-OR realization? A NAND-NOR realization B NOR-NOR realization C NOR-NAND realization D NAND-NAND realization Que. 2 The minimal function that can detect a " divisible by 3" 8421 BCD code digit is given by A D3D1+D4D2+D3D2D1 B D3D1+D4D2D1+D1'D2D1+D3D4D2'D1' C D4D1+D4D2+D3D1'D2'D1 D D4D2D1'+D4'D2D1+D3D4D2D1 Que. 3 choose the correct statement from the following A PROM contains a progrmmable AND array and a fixed OR array B PLA contains a fixed AND array and a programmable OR array C PROM contains a fixed AND array and a programmable OR array D PLA contains a programmable AND array and a programmable OR array Que. 4 A PLA can be used A as a microprocessor B as a dynamic memory C to realise a sequential logic D to realise a combitional logic Que. 5 A dynamic RAM consist of A 6 transistors B 2 transistors and 2 capacitors C 1 transistors and 1 capacitors D 2 capacitors only Que. 6 When a CPU is interrupted, it A stops execution of instrution B acknowledges interrupt and branches of subroutine C acknowledges interrupt and continues D acknowledges interrupt and waits for the next instrutions from the interrupting device Que. 7 The advantage of using a dual slop ADC in a digital voltmeter is that A its conversion time is small B its accuracy is high C its gives output in BCD FORMAT D it does not required a comparator Que. 8 The minimum number of comparators required to build an 8 bit flash ACD is A 8 B 63 C 255 D 256 Que. 9 The number of address lines in a 8 bit 4k ROM is A 8 B 10 C 12 D 16 Que. 10 The master-slave flip flop has the characteristic that A change in the input immediately in the output B change in the output occurs when the state of the master is affected C change in the output occurs when the state of the slave is affected D both the master and slave states are affected at the same time Que. 11 A divide by 78 counter can be realized by using A 6 nos. of mod-13 counters B 13 nos. of mod-10 counters C one mod-13 counters followed by one mod-6 counter D 13nos. and mod-13 counters Que. 12 Decimal number 5 in level parity self correcting code A 00101 B 01011 C 01100 D 10000 Que. 13 The resolution of a D/A convertor is approximately 0.4% of its full scale range.it is A an 8-bit convertor B a 10-bit convertor C a 12-bit convertor D a 16-bit convertor Que. 14 The switching speed of ECL is very high,because A the transistors are switched between cutoff and saturation regions B the transistors are switched between active and saturation regions C the transistors are switched between active and cutoff regions D the transistors may be operated in three regions Que. 15 _ the logical expression Y=A + AB is equal to A y=AB B y=AB C y=A+B D y=A+B Que. 16 Which of the following use least power? A TTL B ECL C CMOS D all use same power Que. 17 A system has a word length of 4-bits.If in this system -ve numbers are represented by their Two's compliment,then the range of numbers that can be represented by the word length is A -8 to +8 B -7 to +7 C -16 to +16 D none of these Que. 18 Hamming codes are used for error dection and correction.if the minimim hammining distance is m, then the number of errors correctable is A equal to m B less than m/2 C equal to 2m D greater than m Que. 19 An analog voltage is in the range of 0 to 8v is divided in eight equal intervals for conversion to 3-bit digital output the maximum quantization error is A 0v B 0.5v C 1v D 2v Que. 20 Dule slop integration type A/D converters provide A higher speeds compaired to all other types of A/D converters B very good accuracy without putting extreme requirments on component stability C poor rejection of power supply hum D better resolution compared to all other type of A/D convertors for the same number ofbits Que. 21 In an 8085 microprocessor system with memory mapped I/O A I/O devices have 16-bit address B I/O devices are accessed using IN and OUT instructions C there can be maximum of 256 input devices and 256 output devices D arithmetic and logic ooperation can be directly performed with the I/O data. Que. 22 four memory clips of 16*4 size have their address bases connected together. The system will be of size A 64*64 B 16*16 C 32*8 D 256*1 Que. 23 A switch tail ring counter is made byusing a single D FF.The resulting ckt is A SR flip flop B JK flip flop C D flip flop D T flip flop Que. 24 By placing an inverter between both the input of an SR flip flop,it becomes A JK flip flop B D- flip flop C T flip flop D master slave JK flip flop Que. 25 A 12-bit ADC is operating with a 1 micro sec clock period and the total conversion time is seen to be 14micro sec the ADC must be of the A flash type B counting type C integrating type D successive approximation type Que. 26 in a 4-bit weighted resistor D/A convertor the resistor value corresponding to LSB is 16kw. the resistor value corrosponding to the MSB will be A 1Kohm B 2Kohm C 4Kohm D 16Kohm Que. 27 The number of Boolean functions that can be generated by a variables, is equal to A 2^n B 2^2n C 2^(2n-1) D 2^n-2 Que. 28 A 0 to 6 counter consist of 3 flip flop and a combinational circuit of 2 input gate(s). A one AND gate B one OR gate C one AND gate and one OR gate D two AND gates Que. 29 In order to add 1111+1101, we required A one FA,one HA B three FA C three FA,one HA D none of these Que. 30 The signed magnitude representation, the binary equivalent of 2205625 is A 0,10110.1011 B 0,10110.1001 C 1,10101.1001 D 1,10110.1001 Que. 31 The number of bits needed to encode all letters (26),10 symbols and all numbers (10) is A 5 B 7 C 6 D 8 Que. 32 The use of a cache in a computer system increases the A available memory space for the program B available memory space for data C avrage speed of memory acces D addressing range of CPU Que. 33 A microprocessor has 24 address lines and 32 data lines if it uses 10-bits of op-code the size of its memory buffer register is A 22 bits B 24 bits C 32 bits D 14 bits Que. 34 Schottky damping is resosted to in TTL gates A to reduce propogation delay B to increases the noise margin C to increase the packing margin D to increase fan-out Que. 35 A pulse train can be delayed by a finite number periods using of clock A a serial-in-serial out shift resistor B a serial -in parallel out shift resistor C a parallel -in series out shift resistor D a serial -in parallel shift resistor Que. 36 The switching speed of ECL is very high,because A the transistors are switched between cutoff and saturation regions B the transistors are switched between active and saturation regions C the transistors are switched between active and cutoff regions D the transistors may be operated in three regions Que. 37 The number of comparators in a parallel conversion type 8-bit A to D converter is A 8 B 16 C 255 D 256 Que. 38 A dynamic RAM cell which holds 5v has to be refreshed every 20m secs, so that the stored voltage does not fall by more than 0.5v. if the cell has a constant discharge current of 0.1pA the storage capacitance of the cell is A 4*10^-6F B 4*10^-9 F C 4*10^-12F D 4*10^-15F Que. 39 The minimized from of the logical expression (ABC+ABD+ABC+ABC) A AC+BC+AB _ _ _ B AC+BC+AB _ _ _ C AC+BC+AB _ _ _ D AC+BC+AB Que. 40 For a binary half-subtractor having two inputs A and B the correct set of logical expression for the output D(=A minus) and X(=barrow) are A D=AB+AB, X=AB _ _ _ _ B D=AB+AB+AB, X=AB _ _ _ C D=AB+AB, X=AB __ _ D D=AB+AB, X=AB