Que. 1 In an 8085 microprocessor system with memory mapped I/O A I/O devices have 16-bit address B I/O devices are accessed using IN and OUT instructions C there can be maximum of 256 input devices and 256 output devices D arithmetic and logic ooperation can be directly performed with the I/O data.
Que. 2 four memory clips of 16*4 size have their address bases connected together. The system will be of size A 64*64 B 16*16 C 32*8 D 256*1
Que. 3 A switch tail ring counter is made byusing a single D FF.The resulting ckt is A SR flip flop B JK flip flop C D flip flop D T flip flop
Que. 4 By placing an inverter between both the input of an SR flip flop,it becomes A JK flip flop B D- flip flop C T flip flop D master slave JK flip flop
Que.5 A 12-bit ADC is operating with a 1 micro sec clock period and the total conversion time is seen to be 14micro sec the ADC must be of the A flash type B counting type C integrating type D successive approximation type
Que. 6 in a 4-bit weighted resistor D/A convertor the resistor value corresponding to LSB is 16kw. the resistor value corrosponding to the MSB will be A 1Kohm B 2Kohm C 4Kohm D 16Kohm
Que. 7 The number of Boolean functions that can be generated by a variables, is equal to A 2^n B 2^2n C 2^(2n-1) D 2^n-2
Que. 8 A 0 to 6 counter consist of 3 flip flop and a combinational circuit of 2 input gate(s). A one AND gate B one OR gate C one AND gate and one OR gate D two AND gates
Que. 9 In order to add 1111+1101, we required A one FA,one HA B three FA C three FA,one HA D none of these
Que. 10 The signed magnitude representation, the binary equivalent of 2205625 is A 0,10110.1011 B 0,10110.1001 C 1,10101.1001 D 1,10110.1001
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