- The examination is a single paper of 3 hours
duration and generally consists of Section A (Objective Type)
which is of 75 marks and Section B (Problem Type) which is of
75 marks. Total: 150 marks.
- You have to opt for your subject and study
as per the syllabus mentioned in the GATE brochure (available
in the Library).
- The subjects of our interest are Computer
Science and Engineering, Electronics & Communication Engineering.,
http://www.yuvajobs.com/education/gate/# - Generally a large number of students appear
for the Computer Science subject in order to do a M.Tech in Computer
- Old question papers are available in the
- Results of qualified candidates in GATE
will give All India Rank and indicate percentile score. For example,
a percentile score of 99 means you are in the top 1% category
of the candidates who appeared for GATE.
- Candidates who get less than 70 percentile
get no score card.
- GATE scores are valid for 2 years. You may
reappear the GATE exam if you are not satisfied with the earlier
score and the new score (if better than the old one) will be used
for admission purposes.