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Printed Date: 09Mar2025 at 9:32pm
Topic: I NEED ME-2006 PAPER
Posted By: ruma
Subject: I NEED ME-2006 PAPER
Date Posted: 05Apr2007 at 2:11am
Posted By: vaishnavi
Date Posted: 26Apr2007 at 11:08pm
for more solved papers lik here
http://onestopgate.com/gate-preparation/ - http://onestopgate.com/gate-preparation/
Posted By: ravi
Date Posted: 12May2007 at 4:31am
1 During the execution of a CNC part program block
NO20 GO2 X45.0 Y25.0 R5.0
the type of tool motion will be
A) circular Interpolation — clockwise
B) circular Interpolation — counterclockwise
C) linear Interpolation
D) rapid feed
Answer : (A)
A component can be produced by any of the four processes I, II, III and
IV. Process I has a fixed cost ofRs. 20 and variable cost of Rs. 3 per
piece. Process II has a fixed cost Rs. 50 and variable cost of Re. 1
per piece. Process III has a fixed cost of Rs. 40 and variable cost of
Rs. 2 per piece. Process IV has a fixed cost of Rs. 10 and variable
cost of Rs. 4 per piece. If the company wishes to produce 100 pieces of
component, from economic point of view it should choose
A) Process I
B) Process II
C) Process III
D) Process IV
Answer : (B)
In an interchangeable assembly, shafts of size 25.000+0.040mm mate with
holes of size 25.000+0.020 mm. The maximum possible clearance in the
assembly will be
A) 10 microns
B) 20 microns
C) 30 microns
D) 60 microns
Answer : (D)
A company has two factories S1, S2 and two warehouses D1, D2. The
supplies from S1 and S2 are 50 and 40 units respectively. Warehouse D1
requires a minimum of 20 units and a maximum of 40 units. Warehouse D2
requires a minimum of 20 units and, over and above, it can take as much
as can be supplied. A balanced transportation problem is to be
formulated for the above situation. The number of supply points, the
number of demand points, and the total supply (or total demand) in the
balanced transportation problem respectively are
A) 2, 4, 90
B) 2, 4, 110
C) 3, 4, 90
D) 3, 4, 110
Answer : (C)
An incompressible fluid (kinematic viscosity, 7.4 x 10-7 m2/s, specific
gravity, 0.88) is held between two parallel plates. If the top plate is
moved with a velocity of 0.5 m/s while the bottom one is held
stationary, the fluid attains a linear velocity profile in the gap of
0.5 mm between these plates; the shear stress in Pascals on the surface
of top plate is
A) 0.651 x 10-3
B) 0.651
C) 6.51
D) 0.651 x 103
Answer : (B)
The tool of an NC machine has to move along a circular arc from (5,5)
to (10,10) while performing an operation. The centre of the arc is at
(10,5). Which one of the following NC tool path commands performs the
above mentioned operation?
A) N010 G02 X10 Y10 X5 Y5 R5
B) N010 G03 X10 Y10 X5 Y5 R5
C) N010 G01 X5 Y5 X10 Y10 R5
D) N010 G02 X5 Y5 X10 Y10 R5
Answer : (D)
7 During a Morse test on a 4 cylinder engine, the following measurements of brake power were taken at constant speed.
All cylinders firing 3037 kW
Number 1 cylinder not firing 2102 kW
Number 2 cylinder not firing 2102 kW
Number 3 cylinder not firing 2100 kW
Number 4 cylinder not firing 2098 kW
The mechanical efficiency of the engine is
A) 91.53%
B) 85.07%
C) 81.07%
D) 61.22%
Answer : (C)
In terms of theoretical stress concentration factor (Kt) and fatigue
stress concentration factor (Kf ), the notch sensitivity ‘q’ is
expressed as
A) (Kf -1) (Kt -1)
B) (Kf -1) (Kt +1)
C) (Kt -1) (Kf -1)
D) (Kf +1) (Kt +1)
Answer : (A)
9 Starting from x0 = 1, one step of Newton-Raphson method in solving the equation x3 + 3x -7 = 0 gives the next value (x1) as
A) x1 = 0.5
B) x1= 1.406
C) x1= 1.5
D) x1 = 2
Answer : (C)
10 The S-N curve for steel becomes asymptotic nearly at
A) 103 cycles
B) 104 cycles
C) 10 6 cycles
D) 10 9 cycles
Answer : (C)
Posted By: sunil sharma
Date Posted: 23Sep2007 at 11:14pm
hello to all
Please help me to get previous years GATE paper of ME
Posted By: jadhav.lalit
Date Posted: 27Sep2007 at 9:39pm
http://gatementor.com/gatepapers/ME-2006-GATEPAPER.pdf -
First of all register urself in it & open above link.........
u'll get wot u want
------------- with warm Regards,