Que. 1 A long speciman of p type semiconductor material A is +ively charged B is electrically neutral C has an electric field directed along its length D acts as a dipole Que. 2 Acceptor impurity atoms in Si result in A increase forbidden gap B reduced forbidden gap C new discreate energy level slightly below conduction leval D new discreate energy leval slightly above conduction level Que. 3 in any conductor hall voltage V(H) is proportional to A B B B^2 C 1/B D 1/B^2 Que. 4 In BJT with I(infinite)=1 micro.A, a=0.99,the value of I(CEO) is A 0.01 micro.A B 0.001 micro.A C 1 micro.A D 1000 micro.A Que. 5 The current gain of a BJT is A g(m)*r(o) B g(m)/r(o) C g(m)*r(pi) D g(m)/r(pi) Que. 6 The velocity of the holes in the n region at X=0 A 12*10^3 cm/sec B 5*10^3 cm/sec C 2*10^4 cm/sec D none of these Que. 7 The spectral dencity of pink noise varies as A 1/f^2 B f^2 C 1/f D f Que. 8 zener diode is used as a A current regulator B voltage booster C voltage regulator D power regulator Que. 9 three phase half wave rectification,if the input frequency is 50hz then output frequency is A 100 hz B 150hz C 75hz D 25hz Que. 10 For getting low regulated voltages are used A zeners B SCR C transistor D chopper Que. 11 thin film components are formed A are made of ceramic B are made of silk screening process C are formed by photomaskingand diffusion D can be made entirely from tantalum Que. 12 in n-channel FET's are superior to p-channel FEY's because A they have lower switching time B they have lower pinchoff voltage C they have higher input impedance D mobility of charge carrier e- in n-channel FET is greater than the mobility of charge carrier holes in p-channel FET Que. 13 Which of the following device has the highest input impedance A npn transistor B JFET C UJT D MOSFET Que. 14 the FET A has 3 pn-junction B use a forward bias junction C depands on the variation of a magnetic field for it's operation D depands on the variation of a reverse voltage it's operation Que. 15 transistor in monolithic IC's A are made as separate wafer B use isolation junction as the collector junction C are similar to discrete planner transistor but have the collector constants on the top surface D are identical with discrete planner transistor Que. 16 encapsulation of a transistor is done to A provide mechanical reggedness B prevent photo electric effect C prevent electrical interference D to case heat radition Que. 17 The most important factor groverning the cost of IC component is A the shape of the component B area occupied by the component C number of electrode connection D location of the component on the slice Que. 18 Extremely low power dissipation and low cost per gate can be achieved in the following IC A ECL B CMOS C TTL D MOS Que. 19 The following digital IC family can give maximum fan out A ECL B PMOS C CMOS D HTL Que. 20 in SCR the turn off time A increases with increases of T B is independent of T C varies as 1/T D varies as 1/T^2 Que. 21 In industrial electronic control A AC power system are always used B IC's can be used with advantage in feedback control ckt C we are simply conceened in establishing stable control with constant load conditions D use of IC's is not of consequence Que. 22 An IC sence amplifier A consists of a linear amplifier a voltage level detector and a logic pulse forming ckt B cannot practically made as a standerad probuct C is a memory system D consist of four seperate linear amplifier Que. 23 Forbidden energy gap between valance band and conduction band is least in the case of A mica B pure Si C pure Ge D impure Si Que. 24 At 0degreeK Forbidden energy gap in Si is A .785 eV B 1.21 eV C .72 eV D 1.1 eV Que. 25 acceptor impurity atoms in a result in new A wide energy band B narrow energy band C discrete energy leval just below conduction leval D discrete energy leval just above conduction leval Que. 26 relative dielectric constant of Si is A 12 B 14 C 16 D 20 Que. 27 Diffusion constant for free e- in Ge expressed in (cm^2/sec) is A 13 B 40 C 34 D 99 Que. 28 when Ge is doped with penta valent impurity,the resulting material is A p-type semiconductor B n-type semiconductor C intrisic semiconductor D no longer semiconductor Que. 29 microwave IC's A have inferior performance B are not possible to fabricate C always use discreate components D are initally being made as hybrid type on ceramic substrates Que. 30 cost of monolithic IC is A independent of the quantity produced B roughly proportional to the area of ckt wafer C proportional to the number of ckt elements D increases with increase of quantity produced Que. 31 The main advantage of TRAPATT diode over IMPATT diode is it's A higher output B higher efficiency C lower noise D capability to operate at higher freq. Que. 32 in an unbiased pn junction the junction current is equilibrum is A due to diffusion of majority carriers B due to diffusion of minority carriers C zero due to equal and opposite currents crossing the junction D zero because no charges cross the junction Que. 33 In Ge diode the cutin voltage is about A 0.2v B 0.6v C 1.1v D 2v Que. 34 In a pnp transistor operating in the active region the concentration of minority carriers holes in the n region at collector junction J(e) is A zero B thermal equilibrium value p(no) of emittor C thermal equilibrium concentration of holes in collector region D same as at J(e) Que. 35 In the uniformly doped abrupt p-n junction, the doping level of the n-side is four times the dopinglevel of the p-side. the ratio of the deplation layer widths is A 0.25 B 0.5 C 1.0 D 2.0 Que. 36 An n-channel JFET has a pinch off voltage of Vp=-5v,Vds(max)=20v and (delta)(m)=2mA/V.The minimum 'ON' resistance is achieved in the JFET for A V(gs)=-7v, V(ds)=0v B V(gs)=7v, V(ds)=0v C V(gs)=0v, V(ds)=20v D V(gs)=-7v, V(ds)=20v Que. 37 The reverse saturation current of a solar cell is 10 and the light generated short ckt current is I for 1 sun illuminated. the open ckt voltage of the solar cell under one sun illumination is A KT/q ln(1+I(L)/I(O)) B q/KT ln(1+I(L)/I(O)) C KT ln(I(O)+I(L)) D KT ln(I(L)-I(O)) Que. 38 The need of centre tap is eliminited in full wave_______ rectifier A vacuum tube B semiconductor C crystal diode D bridge Que. 39 When a lossy capzcitance with a dielectric of permittivity e and conducitivity o- operates at a freq. w, the loss tangent for the capacitor is given by A wo-/e B we/o- C o-/we D o-we Que. 40 Micro-program is A The name of the source program in microcomputer B the set of instructions indicating the primitive operations in a system C the general name of a MACRO'S in assembly language programming D the name of program of very smallsize