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Printed From: One Stop GATE
Category: GATE Technical Discussions
Forum Name: GATE CS
Forum Discription: General Technical Discussions, Queries, doubts etc. for GATE in CS.
Printed Date: 14Feb2025 at 7:46pm

Topic: Syalubus
Posted By: vidhya
Subject: Syalubus
Date Posted: 28Mar2007 at 12:20am

Elements of probability, matrix algebra, numerical methods: interpolation, root finding, differentiation and integration. Discrete mathematics: sets, relations, functions, mathematical induction, counting, groups, graphs, partial orders, lattices and boolean algebra, propostional logic.

Regular and context free languages, finite state machines and push down automata, turing machines and undecidability.

Logic function, minimization techniques, design of combinational and sequential circuits using gates and flip-flops, design with integrated circuts incuding ROM and multiplexers, microprocessor architecture: programming, interfacing with memory and I/O devices(modes of data transfer and their implementation, serial and parallel communication interface). Detailed knowledge of 8085 microprocessor will be assumed.

Number representation and airthmetic, functional organization, machine instructions and addressing modes, ALU, hardwired and microprogrammed control, instrucation pipelining, memory organization, input/output.

structured programmming with pascal/C including recursion; arrays, stacks, strings, queues, lists, trees, sets and graphs; algorithm for tree and graphs traversals, connected component, spanning trees, shortest paths; hashing, sorting and searching algorithm design and analysis techniques, big 'oh' notation, solution of sample recurrence relations.

Assembler, loader, linker, macroprocessors, text editors, programming languages, scope rules and parameter passing mechanism; compilers lexical analysis, parsing, syntax, directed translation, run time environment, machine code generation; interpreters.

Batch, multi-programming and time-sharing systems; processsor, memory, device and file management, virtual memory, process scheduling, interprocess communication, process synchoronization and concurrency, deadlocks, protection.

File organization techniques; indexing,B-trees, B-plus trees; relational and network datat models; normal forms; query language: SQL.

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