1. A soil sample in its natural state has mass of 2.290 kg and a
volume of 1.15 x10 -3 m 3. After being oven dried, the mass of the
sample is 2.035 kg. G s for soil is 2.68. The void ratio of the natural
soil is
(a) 0.40 (b) 0.45
(c) 0.55 (d) 0.53
2. Triaxial compression test of three soil specimens exhibited the
patterns of failure as shown in Fig. 3. Failure modes of the samples
respectively are

- (i) brittle, (ii) semi-plastic, (iii) plastic
- (i) semi-plastic, (ii) brittle, (iii) plastic
- (i) plastic, (ii) brittle, (iii) semi-plastic
- (i) brittle, (ii) plastic, (iii) semi-plastic
3. A direct runoff hydrograph due to an isolated storm with an
effective rainfall of 2 cm was trapezoidal in shape as shown in Fig. 4.
The hydrograph cores ponds to a catchment area (in sq. km.) of 
4. The number of revolutions of a current meter in 50 seconds were
found to be 12 and 30 corresponding to the velocities of 0.25 and 0.46
m/s respectively. What velocity (in m/s) would be indicated by 50
revolutions of that current meter in one minute?
5. In a river, discharge is 173 mp 3/s; water surface slope is 1 in 6000; and stage at the gauge
station is 10.0 m. If during a flood, the stage at the gauge station is same and the water
surface slope is 1 in 2000, the flood discharge in m 3/s, is approximately
6. A hydraulic turbine has a discharge of 5 m 3/s, when operating
under a head of 20 m with a speed of 500 rpm. If it is to operate under
a head of 15 m, for the same discharge, the rotational speed in rpm
will approximately be
(a) 433 (b) 403
(c) 627 (d) 388
7. Two samples of water A and B have pH values of 4.4 and 6.4
respectively. How many times more acidic sample A is than sample B?
(a) 0 (b) 50
(c) 100 (d) 200
8. In a BOD test, 5 ml of waste is added to 295 ml of aerated pure
water. Initial dissolved oxygen (D.O.) content of the diluted sample is
7.8 mg/l. After 5 days of incubation at 20°C, the D.O. content of the
sample is reduced to 4.4 mg/l. The BOD of the waste water is
- 196 mg/l
- 200 mg/l
- 204 mg/l
- 268 mg/l
9.A parabolic curve is used to connect a 4% upgrade with a 2%
downgrade as shown in Fig.5. The highest point on the summit is at a
distance of (measured horizontally from the first tangent point-FTP).

10. A two lane single carriageway is to be designed for a design life
period of 15 years. Total two - way traffic intensity in the year of
completion of construction is expected to be 2000 commercial vehicles
per day. Vehicle damage factor = 3.0, Lane distribution factor = 0.75.
Assuming an annual rate of traffic growth as 7.5%, the design traffic
expressed as cumulative number of standard axles, is
(a) 42.9 x 16 6 (b) 22.6 x 16 6
(c) 10.1 X 16 6 (d) 5.3 X 16 6
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