1. Thernal Engineering. - 1. PK NAG 2. Cengel and boles
2. Fluid Mechanics 1. Modi and seth 2. Bansal
3. Heat Transfer 1. JP HOLLMAN 2. Domkunwar
4. Turbomachinery 1. R Yadhav 2. V ganeshan 3. SM yahya
5. Power Plant Engg. 1. PK Nag 2. Boilers etc do from RK Rajput
6. Design 1. VB Bhandri 2. JE Shigley 3. RS Khurmi
7. TOM 1. Khurmi
8. Vibration 1. MP Grover 2. VP Singh 3. Vibrations Handbook by Cyril M Harris
9. Production Mangement 1. Hajra Chudhary 2.
10.Marketing Mangement 1. Philip Kotler
11.Workstuty and Time Study 1. James ILO
12.Material Handling James Apple
13.Process Engineering 1. Eary Johnson
14.Metal Casting. 1. PN Roa 2. HJ Chaodhry 3. Jain dont use OP khanna
15. Metal Forming. 1. GE Deiter
16.MAchining lathe etc 1. RK Jain 2. HJ chaudry or BS Raghu Vasvanshi
17.Welding Technology 1. OP Khanna 2. Parmar from Khanna Publication
18. Metallurgy 1. Vijendra Singh The best or 2 Kodgire 3. TV Rajan
19.Machine tool Design 1. NK Mehta
20. Maths 1. BS grewal + Your local author maths books
21.Operational Reseach 1. Hira Gupta the best
22. Objective 1. Handa 2. GK Publication 3. Brilliant notes if possible
or GK has all the copy what the Brilliant has It upto you and Finacial
23. Have a copy of Westerman Table and All about Machine tools from
new age publication with you as it might help you for quick reference
24. Non Tradatinal Machining 1. HMT machine tool Handbook
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