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Electromagnetics - GATE Sample qns

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Topic: Electromagnetics - GATE Sample qns
Posted By: Neha Agarwal
Subject: Electromagnetics - GATE Sample qns
Date Posted: 13Feb2007 at 5:34pm

Que. 1      distance near the skip distance should be used for sky-wave propogation
A         to avoide the faraday effect
B         to avoide tilting
C         To prevent sky-wave and upper ray interface
D         so as to exceed the critical freq.

Que. 2     in air a lossless transmission line of length 50cm with L=10micro H/m,C=40pF/m
is operated at 25Mhz its electrical path length is
A         0.5meter
B         lemda meters
C         (pi)/2 radians
D         180 degree

Que. 3     A coil has an inductance of 1H. If a current changing @ 1A/secs
A         induces 1v in another coil
B         causes a back emf of1v
C         causes a aiding emf of1v
D         causes transformer action

Que. 4     A parabolic dish antenna with a effenciency of 55% and an operating freq.
of 10Ghz has a gain of 43.82dB.Its diameter is
A         1m
B         2m
C         4m
D         8m

Que. 5     Which of the following represents 'E3(16)   '?
A         (1 CE)  + (A2)
                  16      16
B         (1 BC)   +  (DE)
                  16       16
C         (2 BC) - (1 DE)
                 16        16
D         (200)  - (11 D)
                16        16

Que. 6     The charecteristic impedance of a transmission line with inductance 0.294
micro H/m.and capacitance 60 pF/m is
A         49 W
B         60 W
C         70 W
D         140 W

Que. 7     The circles on the Smith chart
A         represents normalised constant resistance or conductance
B         represents normalised constant reactance or susceptance
C         are constant SWR circles
D         are connected 'p'circles

Que. 8     In  a parasitic array,
A         Only one of the element is driven, the others get excitation
from the field                produced
B         all the elements of the array are the driven elements
C         there are more than one directors
D         there is one driven elemnts one director and one reflector

Que. 9     In H-plane metal plate lens antenna travelling wave fronts
A         totally retarded
B         retarded
C         accelerated
D         neither accelerated nor retarted
Que. 10     The type of antenna to be used for produceing circulary polarised beams
A         pyramidal horn
B         log-perodic array
C         paraboloid
D         helical antenna

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