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doubt in waveguides

Printed From: One Stop GATE
Category: GATE Technical Discussions
Forum Name: GATE ECE
Forum Discription: General Technical Discussions, Queries, doubts etc. for GATE in ECE.
Printed Date: 09Mar2025 at 11:51pm

Topic: doubt in waveguides
Posted By: balu
Subject: doubt in waveguides
Date Posted: 22Feb2007 at 2:36pm

* A waveguide having dimension 'a' along x axis and 'b' along y axis...wave propogates along z axis..waveguide satisfies the condition b>>a, the TM mode ll have only 3 field components..

a) Hx, Hy,Ez b) Hy,Ex,Ez c) Hx,Ez,Ey d) Hy,Hz,Ex

Am bit confused with TM mode here...ans is given to be c) in schaum ..pls help..

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