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1998- year ECE GATE Paper

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Topic: 1998- year ECE GATE Paper
Posted By: Neha Agarwal
Subject: 1998- year ECE GATE Paper
Date Posted: 14Feb2007 at 4:16pm

1.  A network  has 7 nodes and  5 independent  loops. The number of branches in the
network is  
  (a)  13  (b)  12  (c)  11  (d) 10
2.The eigen values of the matrix A =  0 1
                                                                   1 0
  (a)  1,1  (b)  -1,-1  (c)  j,-j  (d) 1,-1
3. The trigonometric Fourier series of a periodic time function can have only
 (a)  cosine terms      (b)  sine terms
 (c)  cosine and sine terms   (d)  d.c. and cosine terms
4. The nodal method of circuit analysis is based on
 (a)  KVL and Ohm‘s law    (b)  KCL and Ohm‘s law
 (c)  KCL and KVL      (d)  KCL, KVL and Ohm‘s law
5. Superposition theorem is NOT applicable to networks containing
 (a)  nonlinear elements    (b)  dependent voltage sources
 (c)  dependent current sources  (d)  transformers

6. The short-circuit admittance matrix of a two-port network is
  (a)  non-reciprocal and passive  (b)  non-reciprocal and active
 (c)  reciprocal and passive
 (d)  reciprocal and active
7. The voltage across the terminals a and b in Fig.1.11 is
 (a)  0.5 V
 (b)  3.0 V
 (c)  3.5 V
 (d)  4.0 V
8. The static characteristic of an adequately forward biased p-n junction is a straight line, if the plot is of
  (a)  log I vs. log V  (b)  log I vs. V  (c)  I vs. log V  (d) I vs. V
9. A long specimen of p-type semiconductor material
 (a)  is positively charged
 (b)  is electrically neutral
 (c)  has an electric field directed along its length
 (d)  acts as a dipole
10.  The transfer function of a tachometer is of the form
  (a)  Ks  (b)  K  (c)  k/(s+1)    (d)  k/s(s+1)
11.  In  the  Bode-plot  of a  unity feedback  control system, the  value of  phase  of G(j )
at the gain cross over frequency is œ125°. The phase margin of the system is
  (a)  -125°  (b)  -55°  (c)  55°    (d) 125°

12. The transfer function of a phase lead controller is  1 3
+ . The maximum value of
phase provided by this controller is
  (a)  90°  (b)  60°  (c)  45°  (d) 30°
13.  The Nyquist plot of a phase transfer function g(j ) H(j ) of a system encloses the
(-1,0) point. The gain margin of the system is
  (a)  less than zero      (b)  zero
 (c)  greater than zero     (d)  infinity

14.  In a differential amplifier, CMRR can be improved by using an increased 
 (a)  emitter resistance    (b)  collector resistance
 (c)  power supply voltages  (d)  source resistance
15.  From a  measurement  of  the  rise time of the output  pulse  of  an  amplifier whose
input  is  a  small  amplitude  square  wave,  one  can  estimate  the  following
parameter of the amplifier:  
  (a)  gain-bandwidth product  (b)  slow rate  
 (c)  upper 3-dB frequency   (d)  lower 3-dB frequency
16.  The emitter coupled pair of BJT‘s gives a linear transfer relation between the
V only when the
differential output voltage and the differential input voltage  i d
V is less a times the thermal voltage, where a is
magnitude of  i d
  (a)  4  (b)  3  (c)  2  (d) 1
17. In a shunt-shunt negative feedback amplifier, as compared to the basic amplifier
 (a)  both, input and output impedances, decrease
 (b)  input impedance decreases but output impedance increases
 (c)  input impedance increases but output impedance decreases
 (d)  both, input and output impedances increase

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