Que. 1 The main advantage of TRAPATT diode over IMPATT diode is it's A higher output B higher efficiency C lower noise D capability to operate at higher freq.
Que. 2 in an unbiased pn junction the junction current is equilibrum is A due to diffusion of majority carriers B due to diffusion of minority carriers C zero due to equal and opposite currents crossing the junction D zero because no charges cross the junction
Que. 3 In Ge diode the cutin voltage is about A 0.2v B 0.6v C 1.1v D 2v
Que. 4 In a pnp transistor operating in the active region the concentration of minority carriers holes in the n region at collector junction J(e) is A zero B thermal equilibrium value p(no) of emittor C thermal equilibrium concentration of holes in collector region D same as at J(e)
Que. 5 In the uniformly doped abrupt p-n junction, the doping level of the n-side is four times the dopinglevel of the p-side. the ratio of the deplation layer widths is A 0.25 B 0.5 C 1.0 D 2.0
Que. 6 An n-channel JFET has a pinch off voltage of Vp=-5v,Vds(max)=20v and (delta)(m)=2mA/V.The minimum 'ON' resistance is achieved in the JFET for A V(gs)=-7v, V(ds)=0v B V(gs)=7v, V(ds)=0v C V(gs)=0v, V(ds)=20v D V(gs)=-7v, V(ds)=20v
Que. 7 The reverse saturation current of a solar cell is 10 and the light generated short ckt current is I for 1 sun illuminated. the open ckt voltage of the solar cell under one sun illumination is A KT/q ln(1+I(L)/I(O)) B q/KT ln(1+I(L)/I(O)) C KT ln(I(O)+I(L)) D KT ln(I(L)-I(O))
Que. 8 The need of centre tap is eliminited in full wave_______ rectifier A vacuum tube B semiconductor C crystal diode D bridge
Que. 9 When a lossy capzcitance with a dielectric of permittivity e and conducitivity o- operates at a freq. w, the loss tangent for the capacitor is given by A wo-/e B we/o- C o-/we D o-we
Que. 10 Micro-program is A The name of the source program in microcomputer B the set of instructions indicating the primitive operations in a system C the general name of a MACRO'S in assembly language programming D the name of program of very smallsize
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