Gap between BE and ME
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Topic: Gap between BE and ME
Posted By: Shammi
Subject: Gap between BE and ME
Date Posted: 03Feb2007 at 9:57am
Hi all,
I have completed my BE 5 years ago and am involved in teaching. Now I
have decided to do ME. will this teaching experience have any negative
remark when we go for cambus placements? I heard that many compaines
does allow people with more than 2 years gap (between BE and ME) to
participate in their placement interviews. Is it true?
Posted By: Asif
Date Posted: 03Feb2007 at 10:05am
hi there...
in my opinion, so long so u r nt wasting ur years, it doesn't matter.
There is no age limit 4 appearing 4 gate which is a + point.
however, this is a long break and there r a lot many new things u will hav to learn as per the modified syllabus.
Regarding placements, the Q u will be asked is: Why u didn't apply for ME immediately after BE.? why now? etc.. etc.. 
i hope this solves ur doubt.. Best of Luck..Asif