1. Recombinant DNA
technology for the production of therapeutic proteins.
Micro array technology. Heterologous protein expression
systems in bacteria, yeast etc. 2.
Architecture of plant genome; plant tissue culture
techniques; methods of gene transfer into plant
cells; manipulation of phenotypic traits in plants;
3. plant cell fermentations
and production of secondary metabolites using
suspension/ immobilized cell culture; methods
for plant micro propagation; crop improvement
and development of transgenic plants.
4. Expression of animal proteins
in plants.Animal cell metabolism and regulation;
cell cycle; primary cell culture;
5. nutritional requirements
for animal cell culture; techniques for the mass
culture of animal cell lines; production of vaccines;
growth hormones and interferons using animal cell
culture; cytokines- production and therapeutic
uses; hybridoma technology; vectors for gene transfer
and expression in animal cells. Transgenic animals
and molecular pharming.
6. Microbial production of industrial
enzymes; methods for immobilization of enzymes;
kinetics of soluble and immobilized enzymes; application
of soluble and immobilized enzymes; enzyme-based
7. Microbial growth kinetics;
batch, fed batch and continuous culture of microbial
cells; media for industrial fermentations; sterilization
of air and media; design features and operation
of stirred tank, air-lift and fluidized bed reactors;
aeration and agitation in aerobic fermentations;
8. recovery and purification
of fermentation products- filtration, centrifugation,
cell disintegration, solvent extraction and chromatographic
separations; industrial fermentations for the
production of ethanol, citric acid, lysine, penicillin
and other biomolecules;
9. simple calculations based
on material and energy balance of fermentation
10. application of microbes
in the management of domestic and industrial wastes.