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GATE 2008 Syllabus for Life Science

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Topic: GATE 2008 Syllabus for Life Science
Posted By: aparna
Subject: GATE 2008 Syllabus for Life Science
Date Posted: 17Nov2007 at 2:11am

GATE(Life Science)


Amino acid structure & Nomenclature, individual properties and tests, Primary structure: peptide bonds, Amino acid titration, Isoelectric point Determination, Protein sequencing, Reagents and Enzymes involved, Secondary structure of Proteins, Dihedral angles, Ramchandran plot for PolyGly and PolyAla, ?-helix, ?.sheet, ? helix, 310 helix, Poly Pro I and Poly Pro II, Super secondary structure, Tertiary structure – Collagen, Keratin, Silk fibroin, Elastin. Macro and micro nutrients- related diseases. Vitamins and their chemistry Biochemical properties
Nomenclature, properties of enzyme Enzyme Kinetics: Michalis mentan equation turnover number, specific activity, Ks, Km, Determination, Line weaver burk plot. Edie Hofsteeplot, Hansplot. Inhibition Competitive, Uncompetitive and Non Competitive.
Globular Proteins:
Myoglobin, Hemoglobin Allostery: Hill Plot and hill equation, PFK-1, ATCase, Receptor ligand kinetics, Scatchard plot, Negative & positive Copper activity, Studying receptor ligand kinetics, Protein Folding related diseases, Prions, ? CJD, Scrapie, HD, and others.
Techniques: Protein solubility techniques, Purity determination, Absorption Spectroscopy, Fluroscence Spectroscopy, IR-Spectroscopy. Raman Spectroscopy, Mass Spectroscopy, Centrifugation techniques, electrophoresis techniques. ESR, NMR, X-ray differection, and other relevant Techniques for Biochemical and Molecular Analysis.


Major metabolic pathways and their regulation
Cabohydrate Structure of mono, di and polysaccharides and their chemical reactions carbohydrate metabolism- glycolysis, gluconeogenesis, HMP, glycogen metabolism, TCA, oxidative phosphorylation, Regulation of glucose metabolism . Diabetes case studies. GAGs. Glycoproteins. oxidative phosphorylation
PROTEIN METABOLISM and urea cycle, heme and chlorophyll biosynthesis, protein related diseases.
L1PIDS Digestion, Absorption. Secretion. Transport through blood.Lipid biosynthesis, oxidation. Specialized fatty acids, ketone bodies. Phosphofipid metabolism , Glycolipid metabolism,. Cholesterol and steroid metabolism.


Membrane Alteration and dialysis Biomembranes and sub cellular organization of eukaryotic cells . transport across cell membranes, activity of neurons and synapse, major neurotransmitters Protein sorting- mitochondria! and chloroplast protein synthesis and targeting, Peroxisomal protein, ER, Golgi . Post translational modification, exocytosis and endocytosis
Cytoskeleton- actin , myosin, intermediate filament, cell locomotion, muscles , microtubules and their dynamics, Cilia and flagella. Cell cycle and its control in eukaryotes. molecular mechanism - yeast and mammalian cell. cell to cell interaction .


Classification of microbes, Microscopy,stainig techniques Important viral and bacterial diseases of ptants,animal and Human. N2 fixation Microbial fermentation, antibiotics, organic acid and vitamins production . Microbes in decomposition and recycling process. Microbiology of water, air, soil and sewage. General design and application of biofermenter, biofertilizer. bioreactors
Component of immune system- cells and organs, antigens / antibodies- structures and types. Ag/Ab reactions,B-cell maturation, Activation and Differentiation, Ag processing and presentation. T-cell maturation,Activation, Differentiation. immunological methods Complement system, cytokines, leukocyte migration, and inflammation, hypersensitive reactions, vaccines, Autoimmunity , AIDS, immune response to infectious diseases, transplantation, immunology


Mendel's laws and their applications, genetic counseling, genetic interaction, multiple alleles, linkage analysis, crossing over , Variability, isolation , selection , genetic drift , speciation . Population genetics sex determination, sex-limited and sex-linked, chromatin structure and function, chomosome mutation, concept of gene, concept of gene, organelle genome, nuclear genome mutation and selection, gene transfer in bacteria.


DNA and its properties, Types of DNA, DNA stability, Supercoiling of DNA, DNA-Chromatin modeling, Nucleosome model, Chromosome, Types of Chromosome, Chromosome-Bonding, DNA Methylation, Dosage compensation, DNA renaturation kinetics, C-Value paradaux, Human Genome Project, DNA Sequencing, Multigene families, Genomic imprinting, mobile genetic element Transposons, Retropons, ,, Genome Amplification.
DNA Binding Proteins, two hybrid system, DNA-protein and protein-protein interaction.
DNA Replication in Procaryotes and Eukaryotes, structure and specific functions of Replication Enzymes, like Topoisomerase, Helicase ligase, DNA polymerases, Primase etc - initiation, priming, termination and regulation, Repair system in Procaryotes and Eukaryotes, DNA recombination, . Gene expressing and regulation, Operon model, Processing of transcript, t-RNA genetic code, protein synthesis, DNA methylation, mutagenesis and

Regulation of Initiation – Lac operon, Trp operon, Ara operon, DNA binding proteins, Gel retardation, Attenuation Regulation of termination – Rho dependent and Rho independent, Modification in transcript – Splicing, 5’ capping, Poly A tail formation, RNA editing, Regulation of Transcripts. Antisense RNA, Micro RNA, SiRNA, Ribozymes. Gene regulation in ?-phage and Bacteriophage M13

Translation: Structure and type of r-RNA structure and function of t-RNA. Genetic code . Wobble hypothesis, charging of tRNA, Secondary genetic code, Translation initiation – Shine Delgarno Sequence, Kozok sequence, translation elongation and termination.

Recombinant DNA technology: Restriction endonucleases, and system that safeguard the DNA, Types of restriction endonuclease, Enzymes used in genetic engineering Recombinant DNA and molecular cloning Plasmid , Cloning vectors , gene libraries analysis and use of cloned DNA, Southern , northern western south western hybridization , colony hybridization Dot blot technique, PCR and its application, real time PCR, Molecular probes, endonuclease , selection of recombinant clones radioactivity, autoradiography. DNA sequencing. PCR and its application


Origin of life. Concept of evolution. Molecular evolution, Theories of organic evolution, adaptation , mimicry, geological distribution of animals , evolution of man , insular fauna
Concept and dynamics of ecosystem, its components,types of ecosystem, food chain and energy flow, productivity,and biogeological cycles, biological control, community structure and organization, Environmental pollutionbiodiversity characterization generation maintenance and loss , magnitude and distribution of biodiversity,concept of origin , economic value , wildlife biology , conservation strategies , cryopreservation.


Biological nomenclature , theories of biological classification , structural biochemical and molecular systematics ,numerical taxonomy , Study of Non-chordatcs(up to class level)and chordates (up to subclass level) :-Type study of Amoeba, Entamoeba,paramecium, trypanosome, plasmodium, leucosolenia, hydra, obelia, taenia solium, Ascaris, Pheritima, Periplanata Major disease caused by nonchordates to Man and Animals
Study of major plant groups- fungi and lichens, algae, bryophytes. pteridophytes, gymnosperm and their economic importance, Classification of Angiosperms and study of important families:- Brassicaceae, Malvaceae, Fabaceae, Compositeae,liliaceae, Graminae, Ranunculaceae Plant development, megasporogenesis and microsporogenesis, fertilization development of plant embryo development of seedling, root, shoot, leaf and flower.


Physiology of skin, Digestion, Respiration, Circulation, Working of heart ,Excretion
CNS & PNS, Sensory organs:- Eyes, Ear, Endocrinology . Reproductive organs and their physiology Basic concept, cell fate and commitment, its mechanism mosaic and regulative development, maintenance of differentiation, pattern formation and compartmentalization Sex gametes formation, molecular biology of fertilization, gastrulation in invertebrates and vertebrates(Drosophila) and (chick) cell lineage. Axis specification in invertebrates and vertebrates fate of ectoderm, mesoderm and endoderm, cell differentiation mechanism and factors affecting it. Organogenesis in invertebrates and vertebrates, programmed cell death, aging and senescence


Photosynthesis:- Light Reaction. C3, C4 cycle, CAM pathway, photorespiration, physiological and anatomical
adaptations, absorption spectroscopy , fluorescence spectroscopy Phytochrome, blue light receptors
Plant water relation, osmosis, diffusion, ascent of sap, respiration Major plant hormones:-Auxin Gibberel1in , Cytokinin , ABA ethylene and others, Stress physiology of Plants.

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