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suggestion for full test papers

Printed From: One Stop GATE
Forum Name: Model Test Papers
Forum Discription: GATE Model Test Papers: Share what you have with others and discuss the questions.
Printed Date: 29Mar2025 at 9:37am

Topic: suggestion for full test papers
Posted By: Vijay007
Subject: suggestion for full test papers
Date Posted: 02Feb2007 at 5:56pm
today i solved the free test paper.the paper quality was very good,but there was 1 thing lacking which distinguishes the paper from actual one.

for ece,the syllabus is divided into 9 topics,& the free test paper has qs randomly in these topics

if u look at 2003,04,05 paper,paper first asks qs from very first topic given in syllabus,& when all qs relating to that topic is over,then has qs on 2nd topic,this goes on till end,that is order is maintained,& no intermixing is done.but in free test,one has to search for qs on given topic as they are spread all over the paper,so a lot ot time is wasted.due to this attemtation plan suffers,because i think most of people do their strong areas firstly & weak areas in end which results in majority of attemtation in strong areas ,little attemtation in weak areas.

this should be strictly followed for 1-70,as 70-75 has common data q & 75-85 can have random order which is linked type qs.

i think paper for 9th oct will be printed,but anyways ,i hope admin will consider this from 2nd full test onwards.

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