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Plz complete the list of colleges

Printed From: One Stop GATE
Forum Name: IIT, IISc, NIT Cutoffs and interview
Forum Discription: Please discuss the cutoffs of IITs, IISc, TIFR, IIITH, the NITs and any other institute along with their interview processes.
Printed Date: 10Mar2025 at 5:28pm

Topic: Plz complete the list of colleges
Posted By: dinesh_kumar
Subject: Plz complete the list of colleges
Date Posted: 02Apr2008 at 11:36pm

Dear All,
If any one knows what are the colleges that have advertised admission
notification pls post on this site .

Some of the colleges I Know are
1.All IITs
2.Jodavapur university ,Kolkata (last date 11th April)
3.Vellore Institute of Technology
4.Hyderabad University
5.Kalaslingam University,Tamilnadu
6.Amirta College

Entrance Exams

1.CUSAT,calicut university
2.TANCET,Tamil Nadu

Every one who knows something more put some time to add another line
so that we can help each other. Plzz  reply.....& add colleges

With regards
Dinesh Kumar

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