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GATE Books for CSE

Printed From: One Stop GATE
Forum Name: Books
Forum Discription: Books which might be the good ones for different GATE topics.
Printed Date: 15Mar2025 at 2:17pm

Topic: GATE Books for CSE
Posted By: Priya
Subject: GATE Books for CSE
Date Posted: 15Feb2007 at 10:58am

Having a comprehensive list of books is a bit problematic, in the sense, i believe that everyone should read what they are comfortable with or more likely to get.

Anyways, here is a list of books i used (Sorry i dont have detailed names, since i dont have these books with me right now),
1. Engineering Mathematics :
1.1 Mathematical Logic -> a] Tremblay and Manohar, b] Russell and Norvig
1.2 Probability -> Gupta and Kapur
1.3 Set Theory and Algebra -> Kolman, Busby
1.4 Combinatorics -> a] Hall and Knight b] Internet materials
1.5 Graph Theory -> Narasingh Deo
1.6 Linear Algebra -> "Higher Engineering Mathematics" by BS Grewal
1.7 Numerical Methods -> "Higher Engineering Mathematics" by BS Grewal
1.8 Calculus -> "Higher Engineering Mathematics" by BS Grewal

2. Theory of Computation
2.1 Formal Languages and Automata Theory -> John Martin
2.2 Analysis of Algorithms and Computation Complexity -> a] Horowitz and Sahni, b] Sedgewick, c] Lewis and Papadimitrou

3. Computer Hardware
3.1 Digital Logic -> John Yarbrough
3.2 Computer Organisation -> John Hayes

4. Software Systems
4.1 Data Structures -> "Data Structure using C and C++" by Aaron Tenenbaum et al.
4.2 Programming Methodology -> Kerninghan and Ritchie
4.3 Algorithms for problem solving -> a] Horowitz and Sahni, b] Sedgewick
4.4 Compiler Design -> Aho and Ullman
4.5 Operating Systems -> a] Galvin and Silberchatz, b] Andrew Tanenbaum, c] William Stallings
4.6 Databases -> "Database System Concepts" by Korth and Sudershan
4.7 Computer Networks -> Tanenbaum

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