1. Animal world :
Animal diversity, distribution, systematic and classification
of animals, the phylogenetic relationship, 2.
Evolution : Origin of life, history of
life on earth, evolutionary theories, natural
selection, adaptation, speciation.
3. Genetics : Principles of
inheritance, molecular basis of heredity, the
genetic material, transmission of genetic material,
mutations, cytoplasmic inheritance.
4. Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
: Nucleic acids, proteins and other biological
macromolecules. Replication, transcription and
translation, regulation of gene expression, organization
of genome, Kreb's cycle, glycolysis, enzyme catalysis,
hormones and their action.
5.Cell Biology : Structure of
cell, cellular organelles and their structure
and function, cell cycle, cell division, cellular
differentiation, chromosome and chromatin structure.
Eukaryotic gene organisation and expression.
6. Animal Anatomy and Physiology
: Comparative physiology, the respiratory system,
circulatory system, digestive system, the nervous
system, the excretory system, the endocrine system,
the reproductive system, the skeletal system,
7. Parasitology and Immunology
: Nature of parasite, host-parasite relation,
protozoan and helminthic parasites, the immune
response, cellular and humoral immune response,
evolution of the immune system.
8. Development Biology : Embryonic
development, cellular differentiation, organogenesis,
metamorphosis, genetic basis of development.
9. Ecology : The ecosystem, habitats
the food chain, population dynamics, species diversity,
zoogeography, biogeochemical cycles, conservation
10 Animal Behaviour : Types
of behaviours, courtship, mating and territoriality,
instinct, learning and memory, social behaviour
across the animal taxa, communication, pheromones,
evolution of animal behaviour.