CSE-2004 CA & NW
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Printed Date: 14Feb2025 at 5:37pm
Topic: CSE-2004 CA & NW
Posted By: Suman
Subject: CSE-2004 CA & NW
Date Posted: 03Feb2007 at 10:17am
47.Consider a system with a two-level paging scheme in which a regular memory access takes 150ns, and servicing a page fault takes 8 milliseconds.An average instruction takes 100ns of CPU time, and two memory accesses. The TLB hit ratio is 90% and the page fault rate is one in every 10000 instructions. what is the effective average instruction execution time? a) 645ns b)1050ns c) 1215ns d)1230ns
55. The routing table of a router is
dest subnet mask interface eth0 eth1 eth3 default eth2
on which interface will the router forward packets addressed to destinations and respcetively? a)eth1 and eth2 b)eth0 and eth2 c) eth0 and eth3 d)eth1 and eth3
If we AND then we will get if we AND then we will get which one to consider?? eth0 or eth1 AND then network id is none exists so it takes default.
63. Inst. Operation Instruction Size (in words) Mov R1,5000 R1=MEM[5000] 2 Mov R2(R1) R1=MEM[(R1)] 1 Add r2,r3 r2=r2+r3 1 mov 6000,r2 mem[6000]=r2 2 halt 1
Consider that the memory is byte addressable with size 32 bits and the program has been loaded starting from memory location 1000 (decimal). If an interrupt occurs while the cpu has been halted after executing the halt instruction, the return address (in decimal) saved in the stack will be? 1007,1020,1024,1028
I think ans is 1028.
64. register to/from memory transfer = 3cycles add with both operands in register = 1 cycle instruction fetch and decode = 2 cycles per word total number of clock cycles required to execute the progrm is a)29 b)24 c)23 d)20
I think ans is 24
65. consider a small 2-way set-associative cache memory, consisting of 4 blocks.For choosing the block to be replaced, use the LRU schem.The number of cache misses for the following sequence of block addresses is 8,12,0,12,8? a)2 b)3 c)4 d)5
8,12,0 causes misses ...so ans. is 3.
please discuss the problems.
Posted By: Unit
Date Posted: 03Feb2007 at 10:47am
63. Inst. Operation Instruction Size (in words) Mov R1,5000 R1=MEM[5000] 2 Mov R2(R1) R1=MEM[(R1)] 1 Add r2,r3 r2=r2+r3 1 mov 6000,r2 mem[6000]=r2 2 halt 1
Consider that the memory is byte addressable with size 32 bits and the program has been loaded starting from memory location 1000 (decimal). If an interrupt occurs while the cpu has been halted after executing the halt instruction, the return address (in decimal) saved in the stack will be? 1007,1020,1024,1028
I think ans is 1028.