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ECE GATE sample paper

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Topic: ECE GATE sample paper
Posted By: Arpita
Subject: ECE GATE sample paper
Date Posted: 04Jan2007 at 6:12pm

1 The impurity commonly used for realizing the base region of a silicon n-p-n transistor is
A) Gallium  B) Indium
C) Boron  D) Phosphorus

Correct Answer C

2 Despite the presence of negative feedback, control system still have problems of instability because the
A) components used have nonlinearities. B) dynamic equations of the subsystems are not known exactly.
C) mathematical analysis involves approximations. D) system has large negative phase angle at high frequencies.

Correct Answer A

3 The drain of an n-channel MOSFET is shorted to the gate so that VGS = VDS. The threshold voltage (VT) of MOSFET is 1 V. If the drain current (ID) is 1 mA for VGS = 2V, then for VGS = 3V, ID is
A) 2 mA B) 3 mA
C) 9 mA D) 4 mA

Correct Answer D

4 Let x(n) = (
)n u(n), y(n)=x2(n) and Y(ejw) be the Fourier transform of y(n). Then Y(ej0) is
B) 2
C) 4 D)

Correct Answer A

5 Noise with uniform power spectral density of N0W/Hz is passed through a filter H (w) = 2 exp(-jwtd) followed by an ideal low pass filter of bandwidth BHz. The output noise power in Watts is
A) 2N0 B) 4N0B
C) eN0 D) 16 N0B

Correct Answer B

6 Consider the following statements S1 and S2
S1: At the resonant frequency the impedance of a series R-L-C circuit is zero.
S2: In a parallel G-L-C circuit, increasing the conductance G results in increase in its Q factor.
Which one of the following is correct?
A) S1 is FALSE and S2 is TRUE  B) Both S1 and S2 are TRUE
C) S1 is TRUE and S2 is FALSE  D) Both S1 and S2 are FALSE

Correct Answer D

7 A signal x(n) = sin(w0n + f ) is the input to a linear time-invariant system having a frequency response H(e(jw ). If the output of the system Ax(n – n0), then the most general form of ÐH(ejw) will be
A) - n0w0b  for any arbitrary real b. B) - n0w0 + 2pk for any arbitrary integer k.
C) n0w0 + 2pk for any arbitrary integer k. D) -n0w0 f .

Correct Answer B

8 Consider a lossless antenna with a directive gain of +6dB. If 1 mW of power is fed to it the total power radiated by the antenna will be
A) 4 mW B) 1 mW
7 mW                                                      
D) 1/4 mW

Correct Answer A

9 A MOS capacitor made using p type substrate is in the accumulation mode. The dominant charge in the channel is due to the presence of
A)  holes  B)  electrons
C)  positively charged ions  D)  negatively charged ions

Correct Answer B


Choose the correct one from among the alternatives A, B, C, D after matching an item from Group 1 with the most appropriate item in Group 2.


Group1 Group 2
1: FM
2: DM
3: PSK
4: PCM
P: Slope overload
Q: m -law
R: Envelope detector
S: Capture effect
T: Hilbert transform
U: Matched filter

A) 1-T,  2-P,   3-U,   4-S B) 1-S,   2-U,   3-P,   4-T
C) 1-S,   2-P,   3-U,   4-Q D) 1-U,   2-R,   3-S,   4-Q

Correct Answer C

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