The best way to study for GATE is to refer standard books. Study material from various coaching institutes is usually copied frm standard books.(I've referred to Brilliant Tutorials, hardly found any thing different from standard books)
Some standard books as suggested by TenaliRaman
1. Engineering Mathematics : 1.1 Mathematical Logic -> a] Tremblay and Manohar, b] Russell and Norvig 1.2 Probability -> Gupta and Kapur 1.3 Set Theory and Algebra -> Kolman, Busby 1.4 Combinatorics -> a] Hall and Knight b] Internet materials 1.5 Graph Theory -> Narasingh Deo 1.6 Linear Algebra -> "Higher Engineering Mathematics" by BS Grewal 1.7 Numerical Methods -> "Higher Engineering Mathematics" by BS Grewal 1.8 Calculus -> "Higher Engineering Mathematics" by BS Grewal
2. Theory of Computation 2.1 Formal Languages and Automata Theory -> John Martin 2.2 Analysis of Algorithms and Computation Complexity -> a] Horowitz and Sahni, b] Sedgewick, c] Lewis and Papadimitrou
3. Computer Hardware 3.1 Digital Logic -> John Yarbrough 3.2 Computer Organisation -> John Hayes
4. Software Systems 4.1 Data Structures -> "Data Structure using C and C++" by Aaron Tenenbaum et al. 4.2 Programming Methodology -> Kerninghan and Ritchie 4.3 Algorithms for problem solving -> a] Horowitz and Sahni, b] Sedgewick 4.4 Compiler Design -> Aho and Ullman 4.5 Operating Systems -> a] Galvin and Silberchatz, b] Andrew Tanenbaum, c] William Stallings 4.6 Databases -> "Database System Concepts" by Korth and Sudershan 4.7 Computer Networks -> Tanenbaum
Gate Complete Reference - J. V. N. Ramesh
Multiple Choice Questions CSE - Williams
Question Bank Bible CSE - S. Jaiswal
Question Bank CSE - S. K. Basandara
Computer Science (Guide for GATE) - G. K. Publishers
Computer Science Engineering GATE (Objective) - A. Handa
CSE (GATE) - Bhanu Pratap
CSE Papers - G. K. Publishers
CSE (Confirming To The Syllabus Of Gate) - G. K. Publishers
ELITE Academy Study Material + Question Bank
The problem with objective books is that they have a lot of errors.
According to GATE toppers the best formula for cracking GATE is
(Reference Books) + (15 years papers) + (GATE Forum test series)