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2003- year ECE GATE Paper

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Topic: 2003- year ECE GATE Paper
Posted By: Priya
Subject: 2003- year ECE GATE Paper
Date Posted: 14Feb2007 at 4:58pm

1.A source of angular frequency 1 rad/sec has a source impedance consisting of 1 
resistance in  series with 1 H  inductance. The load  that will obtain the  maximum
power transfer is
  (a)  1   resistance
 (b)  1   resistance in parallel with 1 H inductance
 (c)  1   resistance in series with 1 F capacitor
 (d)  1   resistance in parallel with 1 F capacitor
2.  A series RLC circuit has  a resonance frequency of 1 kHz and a quality factor Q =
100. If each R, L and C is doubled from its original value, the new Q of the circuit
  (a)  25  (b)  50  (c)  100  (d) 200
3.  n-type silicon is obtained by doping silicon with
 (a)  Germanium  (b)  Aluminum  (c)  Boron  (d) Phosphorus
4.  The bandgap of silicon at 300 K is
 (a)  1.36 eV  (b)  1.10 eV  (c)  0.80 eV  (d) 0.67 eV
5.  The  intrinsic  carrier  concentration of  silicon  sample of  300  K is  1.5  ×1016/m3. If
after doping,  the number of majority  carriers is  5 × 1020/m3, the minority carrier
density is
  (a)  4.50 × 101 1/m3      (b)  3.33 × 104/m3
 (c)  5.00 × 102 0/m3      (d)  3.00 × 10- 5/m3
6.  Choose  proper  substitutes  for  X  and  Y  to  make  the  following  statement  correct
Tunnel  diode  and  Avalanche  photodiode  are  operated  in  X  bias  and  Y  bias
  (a)  X: reverse, Y: reverse   (b)  X: reverse, Y: forward
 (c)  X: forward, Y: reverse  (d)  X: forward, Y: forward
7.  For  an  n-channel  enhancement  type  MOSFET,  if  the  source  is  connected  at  a
higher  potential than  that  of  the bulk (i.e. VS B  > 0), the threshold  voltage VT   of
the MOSFET will
  (a)  remain unchanged    (b)  decrease
 (c)  change polarity      (d)  increase
8.  Choose  the correct match for input resistance  of various amplifier configurations
shown below.
 Configuration  Input resistance
CB: Common Base  LO: Low
CC: Common Collector  MO: Moderate
CE: Common Emitter  HI: High
  (a)  CB-LO, CC-MO, CE-HI   (b)  CB-LO, CC-HI, CE-MO
 (c)  CB-MO, CC-HI, CE-LO   (d)  CB-HI, CC-LO, CE-MO
9.  If  the  differential  voltage  gain  and  the  common  mode  voltage  gain  of  a
differential  amplifier  are  48  dB  and  2  dB  respectively,  then  its  common  mode
rejection ratio is 
  (a)  23 dB  (b)  25 dB  (c)  46 dB  (d) 50 dB
10.  Generally, the gain of a transistor amplifier falls at high frequencies due to the 
 (a)  internal capacitances of the device
 (b)  coupling capacitor at the input
 (c)  skin effect
 (d)  coupling capacitor at the output
11.  The number of distinct Boolean expression of 4 variables is
 (a)  16  (b)  256  (c)  1024  (d) 65536
12.  The minimum number of comparators required to build an 8 it flash ADC is 
 (a)  8  (b)  63  (c)  255  (d) 256
13.  The output of the 74 series of TTL gates is taken from a BJT in
 (a)  totem pole and common collector configuration
 (b)  either totem pole or open collector configuration
 (c)  common base configuration
 (d)  common collector configuration
14.  Without any additional circuitry, an 8:1 MUX can be used to obtain
 (a)  some but not all Boolean functions of 3 variables
 (b)  all function of 3 variables but none of 4 variables
 (c)  all functions of 3 variables and some but not all of 4 variables
 (d)  all functions of 4 variables
15.A  0  to  6  counter  consists  of  3  flip  flops  and  a  combination  circuit  of  2  input
gate(s). The combination circuit consists of
  (a)  one AND gate      (b)  one OR gate
 (c)  one AND gate and one OR gate  (d)  two AND gates


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