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1996-ECE GATE Paper

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Printed Date: 09Mar2025 at 9:58pm

Topic: 1996-ECE GATE Paper
Posted By: Neha Agarwal
Subject: 1996-ECE GATE Paper
Date Posted: 14Feb2007 at 3:32pm

1.  The number of independent loops for a network with a n nodes and b branches is
 (a)  n -1      (b)  b - n  
 (c)  b œ n + 1  
 (d)  independent of the number of nodes
2.  A lossless  transmission  line having  50  characteristic impedance  and length  4 short circuited at one end  and  connected to an ideal voltage source of 1V  at the other end. The current drawn from the voltage source is
  (a)  0      (b)  0.02 A
  (c)  8      (d)  None of the above
3.  The  p-type  substrate  in  a  conventional  pn-junction  isolated  integrated  circuit should be connected to
  (a)  nowhere, i.e. left floating
  (b)  a dc ground potential
  (c)  the most positive potential available in the circuit
  (d)  the most negative potential available in the circuit
4.  If a transistor is operating with both of its junctions forward biased, but with the collector  base forward bias  greater  than  the emitter œ base forward bias, then it is operating in the 
  (a)  forward active mode    (b)  reverse saturation mode
 (c)  reverse active mode    (d)  forward saturation mode
5.  The common-emitter short-circuit current gain ß of a transistor
 (a)  is a monotonically increasing function of the collector current IC 
 (b)  is a monotonically decreasing function of IC  
 (c)  increases with IC, for low IC , reaches maximum and then decreases with
further increase in IC   
  (d)  is not a function of IC 
6.  A n-channel silicon  ( E) 1.1 eV
= MOSFET was fabricated using n+ poly-silicon gate g
and the threshold voltage was found  to be 1V. Now,  if the gate is changed to p+ poly-silicon,  other  things  remaining  the same, the  new  threshold  voltage  should
  (a)  -0.1 V  (b)  0 V  (c)  1.0 V    (d) 2.1 V
7.  Schottky clamping is resorted in TTL gates
 (a)  to reduce propagation delay  (b)  to increase noise margins  
 (c)  to increase packing density  (d)  to increase fan-out
8.  A pulse train can be delayed by a finite number of clock periods using
 (a)  a serial-in serial-out shift register  
 (b)  a serial-in parallel-out shift register  
 (c)  a parallel-in serial-out shift register  
 (d)  a parallel-in parallel-out shift register
9.  A 12-bit ADC is operating with a 1 sec clock period and the total conversion time  is seen to be 14 secs. The ADC must be of the
  (a)  flash type      (b)  counting type
 (c)  integrating type      
 (d)  successive approximation type

10.  The  total  number  of memory  accesses  involved  (inclusive  of the  op-code  fetch)
when an 8085 processor executes the instruction LDA 2003 is
  (a)  1  (b)  2  (c)  3  (d) 4  
11.  The trigonometric Fourier series of an even function of time does not have the 
 (a)  dc term      (b)  cosine terms  
 (c)  sine terms      (d)  odd harmonic terms
12.  The Fourier transform of a real valued time signal has  
 (a)  odd symmetry      (b)  even symmetry 
 (c)  conjugate symmetry    (d)  no symmetry
13.  A rectangular pulse of duration T is  applied to a  filter matched  to this input. The
output of the filter is a
  (a)  rectangular pulse of duration T  (b)  rectangular pulse of duration 2T
 (c)  triangular pulse      (d)  sine function
14.  The image channel rejection in a superheterodyne receiver comes from
 (a)  IF stages only      (b)  RF stages only  
 (c)  detector and RF stages only  (d)  detector RF, and IF stages
15.  The  capacitance  per  unit  length  and  the  characteristic  impedance  of  a  lossless
Z respectively.  The  velocity  of a  traveling  wave  on
transmission  line are C  and  o
the transmission line is
(a)ZC   (b)  1   (c)  o (d)z/c
16.  A  transverse  electromagnetic  wave  with  circular  polarization  is  received  by  a
dipole antenna. Due to polarization mismatch, the power transfer efficiency from
the wave to the antenna is reduced to about
  (a)  50%  (b)  35.3%  (c)  25%    (d) 0%
17.  A metal sphere with  1m radius and a surface charge density of 10 Coulombs/m2 is enclosed in a cube of 10m side. The total outward electric displacement normal to the surface of the cube is
  (a)  40p Coulombs      (b)  10p Coulombs
 (c)  5p Coulombs      (d)  None of the above

18.  A  uniform  plane  wave  in  air  is  normally  incident  on  infinitely  thick  slab.  If  the refractive  index  of  the  glass  slab  is  1.5,  then  the  percentage  of  incident  power
that is reflected from the air-glass interface is
  (a)  0%   (b)  4%  (c)  20%    (d) 100% 
19.  In  a bipolar transistor  at room temperature, if the emitter  current is doubled the voltage across its base-emitter junction
  (a)  doubles      (b)  halves  
 (c)  increases by about 20 mV  (d)  decreases by about 20 mV
20.  As  npn transistor  has  a  beta  cutoff  frequency  fß of  1  MHz,  and  common  emitter f and short circuit low-frequency  current gain  ß of  200.  It unity gain  frequency  T the alpha cutoff frequency  fa respectively are
  (a)  200 MHz, 201 MHz    (b)  200 MHz, 199 MHz 
 (c)  199 MHz, 200 MHz    (d)  201 MHz, 200 MHz

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