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Printed From: One Stop GATE
Category: GATE Technical Discussions
Forum Name: GATE ECE
Forum Discription: General Technical Discussions, Queries, doubts etc. for GATE in ECE.
Printed Date: 09Mar2025 at 6:30pm

Topic: Microprocessor
Posted By: balu
Subject: Microprocessor
Date Posted: 22Feb2007 at 2:46pm
 1................................... addressing mode for XCHG instruction in 8085.2 If the contents of A =FFHafter executing INR A.What is the Status of Carry flag.(Is carry flag affected after executing INR instruction).Gaonkar has written ---INR -all other flags are modified except carry flag.I am confused please help.And if it is True then what will happen if i write JC Loop after INR A.Will loop execute or it won't?

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