1 Stokes theorem connects A) a line integral and a surface
integral B) a surface integral and a volume integral C) a line integral
and a volume integral D) gradient of a function and its surface
integral Answer : (A)
2 A solar collector receiving solar
radiation at the rate of 0.6 k W/m2 transforms it to the internal energy of a
fluid at an overall efficiency of 50%. The fluid heated to 350 K is used to run
a heat engine which rejects heat at 313 K. If the heat engine is to deliver 2.5
kW power, the minimum area of the solar collector required would be A)
8.33m2 B) 16.66m2 C) 39.68m2 D) 79.36m2 Answer :
3 When the temperature of a solid metal increases, A)
strength of the metal decreaes but ductility increases B) both strength and
ductility of the metal decrease C) both strength and ductility of the metal
increase D) strength of the metal increases but ductility
decreases Answer : (A)
4) A company produces two types of
toys: P and Q. Production time of Q is twice that of P and the company has a
maximum of 2000 time units per day. The supply of raw material is just
sufficient to produce 1500 toys (of any type) per day. Toy type Q requires an
electric switch which is available @ 600 pieces per day only. The company makes
a profit of Rs. 3 and Rs. 5 on type P and Q respectively. For maximization of
profits, the daily production quantities of P and Q toys should respectively
be A) 100, 500 B) 500, 1000 C) 800, 600 D) 1000,
1000 Answer : (C)
5) A spherical thermocouple junction of
diameter 0.706 mm is to be used for the measurement of temperature of a gas
stream. The convective heat transfer co-efficient on the bead surface is 400
W/m2K. Thermophysical properties of thermocouple material are k = 20 W/mK, C =
400 J/kg K and r = 8500 kg/m3. If the thermocouple initially tot 30°C is placed
in a hot stream of 300°C, the time taken by the bead to reach 298°C,
is A) 2.35 s B) 4.9 s C) 14.7 s D) 29.4 s Answer :
6) In a spring-mass system, the mass is 0.1 kg and the
stiffness of the spring is 1 kN/m. By introducing a damper, the frequency of
oscillation is found to be 90% of the original value. What is the damping
coefficient of the damper? A) 1.2 N.s/m B) 3.4 N.s/m C) 8.7 N.s/m
D) 12.0 N.s/m Answer : (C)
7)In a machining operation,
doubling the cutting speed reduces the tool life to 1/8 of the original value.
The exponent n in Taylor A) 1/8 B) 1/4 C) 1/3 D)
1/2 Answer : (C)
8) In a rolling process, sheet of 25 mm
thickness is rolled to 20 mm thickness. Roll is of diameter 600 mm and it
rotates at 100 rpm. The roll strip contact length will be A) 5 mm B)
39 mm C) 78 mm D) 120 mm Answer : (A)
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