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other exam on lines of GATE

Printed From: One Stop GATE
Forum Name: Books
Forum Discription: Books which might be the good ones for different GATE topics.
Printed Date: 10Mar2025 at 7:21pm

Topic: other exam on lines of GATE
Posted By: vijuprasad
Subject: other exam on lines of GATE
Date Posted: 25Apr2007 at 3:39am

JEST : other exam on lines of GATE

JEST stands for Joint Entrance Screening Test, it is the screening test for candidates who wish to do Ph. D. Programme in Physics (including Theoretical and Observational Astronomy, Astrophysics, Physics in Biology, Plasma Physics and Technology, Atmospheric and Space Sciences, Condensed Matter Physics and Materials Science) / Mathematics / Theoretical Computer Science. JEST exam is usually held on February-March. Using the JEST results, considered institute will call a limited number of candidates for its further selection procedure depending on its requirements. Traveling allowance will be provided to candidates called for interviews. All selected candidates will receive Research Fellowship from the respective institutions (currently 17 in number).

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