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1999- year ECE GATE Paper

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Printed Date: 17Mar2025 at 11:57am

Topic: 1999- year ECE GATE Paper
Posted By: Neha Agarwal
Subject: 1999- year ECE GATE Paper
Date Posted: 14Feb2007 at 4:24pm

1.  The early effect in a bipolar junction transistor is caused by
 (a)  fast turn-on
 (b)  fast turn-off
 (c)  large collector-base reverse bias
 (d)  large emitter-base forward bias

2. The first dominant pole encountered in the frequency response of a compensated
op-amp is approximately at
  (a)  5 Hz  (b)  10 kHz  (c)  1 MHz    (d) 100 MHz
3.  Negative feedback in an amplifier
 (a)  reduces gain
 (b)  increases frequency and phase distortions  
 (c)  reduces bandwidth  
 (d)  increase noise

4)  Crossover distortion behaviour is characteristic of
 (a)  Class A output stage    (b)  Class B output stage  
 (c)  Class AB output stage   (d)  Common-base output stage

5)A  Darlington  emitter-follower circuit is sometimes used  in the output  stage  of  a
TTL gate in order to
  (a)  increase its IOL       (b)  reduces its IOH  
 (c)  increases its speed of operation  (d)  reduce power dissipation
6)  Commercially  available  ECL  gears  use  two ground lines and one negative supply
in order to 
  (a)  reduce power dissipation  
 (b)  increase fan-out
 (c)  reduce loading effect      
 (d)  eliminate the effect of power line glitches or the biasing circuit

7)  The  resolution  of  a  4-bit  counting  ADC  is  0.5  volts.  For  an  analog  input  of  6.6
volts, the digital output of the ADC will be
  (a)  1011  (b)  1101  (c)  1100  (d) 1110

8)A signal x(t) has  a Fourier transform  X( ).  If x(t)  is a real and odd fucntion of t,
then X( ) is
  (a)  a real and even function     
 (b)  a imaginary and odd function   
 (c)  an imaginary and even function         
 (d)  a real and odd function 

9)An  electric field  on  a plane  is described  by its  potential 
is the distance from the source. The field is due to  
  (a)  a monopole      (b)  a dipole
 (c)  both a monopole and a dipole  (d)  a quadrupole
10.  Assuming perfect conductors of a transmission line, pure TEM propagation is NOT
possible in
  (a)  coaxial cable      (b)  air-filled cylindrical wave guide
 (c)  parallel twin-wire line in air
 (d)  semi-infinite parallel plate wave guide

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