1)A soldering operation was work-sampled over two days (16 hours) during
which an employee soldered 108 joints. Actual working time was 90% of the total
time and the performance rating was estimated to be 120 percent. If the contract
provides allowance of 20 percent of the total time available, the standard time
for the operation would be A) 8 min B) 8.9 min C) 10 min D) 12
min Answer : (D)
2) A welding operation is time-studied
during which an operator was pace-rated as 120%. The operator took, on an
average, 8 minutes for producing the weld-joint. If a total of 10% allowances
are allowed for this operation, the expected standard production rate of the
weld-joint (in units per 8 hour day) is A) 45 B) 50 C) 55 D)
60 Answer : (A)
3) In PERT analysis a critical activity has
A) maximum Float B) zero Float C) maximum Cost D) minimum
Cost Answer : (B)
4) Environment friendly refrigerant R134a
is used in the new generation domestic refrigerators. Its chemical formula
is A) CH C1 F2 B) C2 C13 F3 C) C2 C12 F4 D) C2 H2
F4 Answer : (D)
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