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Interesting question

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Printed Date: 15Mar2025 at 4:10pm

Topic: Interesting question
Posted By: shilpa123
Subject: Interesting question
Date Posted: 10Aug2007 at 3:35am
Why does transfer of charge as in thunder makes sound???

Posted By: T.KRANTHI
Date Posted: 10Aug2007 at 10:49pm

Posted By: donesh1
Date Posted: 19Aug2007 at 3:19am

Lightning, as best we understand, is a channel of negative charge, called a stepped leader that zigzags downward in roughly 50-yard segments in a forked pattern. This step leader is invisible to the human eye, and shoots to the ground in less time than it takes to blink. As it nears the ground, the negatively charged step leader is attracted to a channel of positive charge reaching up, a streamer, normally through something tall, such as a tree, house, or telephone pole. When the oppositely-charged leader and streamer connect, a powerful electrical current begins flowing. A return stroke of bright luminosity travels about 60,000 miles per second back towards the cloud. A flash consists of one or perhaps as many as 20 return strokes. We see flicker when the process rapidly repeats itself several times along the same path. The actual diameter of a lightning channel is one-to-two inches.


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