- Discrete Mathematics by C L Liu (Nothing should be missed from the book)
- Introduction to Automata, Languages and Computation theory by John hopcroft, jeffery ullman and Rajiv Motwani (two books in GCET library, chapter 11 can be ommited )
- Introduction to Compiler Design by Aho(first 7 chapters do not miss LALR parser)
- Linkers and Loaders by John R Levine(1 copy in GCET library- read only introductory chapters)
- Data structures( I dont remember the exact name) by Mark Allen Weiss (3 copies in GCET library) Some variants of data structures like splay trees can be omitted
- Computer Architechture by William stallings (plz read RISC CISC and pipelining thoroughly) book by hamacher is also good.
- OS and Computer Networks by Tanenbaum (The things generally covered in the syllabus is sufficient)
- Propositional logic and first order logic (a must read , i dont have idea about any specific book but i can give some tutorial slides) this topic is much important from GATE point of view
- Digital Circuits by Morris Mano(contents covered in the syllabus is more than enough)
- Sharpen your C,C++ skills before going for GATE.