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Gate Evaluation

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Category: GATE Previous Years Test Papers - Discuss Here
Forum Name: ME Papers
Forum Discription: ME Previous Year GATE Papers to can discussed here.
Printed Date: 09Mar2025 at 5:46am

Topic: Gate Evaluation
Posted By: aradhana
Subject: Gate Evaluation
Date Posted: 05Apr2007 at 10:52pm

Compare Evaluation

GATE, like CAT and unlike GRE, GMAT or Board examinations, is a zero sum game. You need to beat someone else to rise up the ranks. You should always remember the fact that you are adjudged relatively, not absolutely. Hence, your rank obviously depends on how you performed relative to your competitors. It does not really matter whether you got 89 marks out of 150, or 148 marks out of 150. What matters the most is how many people you have beaten and how many people have beaten you.

The following list gives us an indication of the degree of competition that was there in GATE 2004.

As we can see, only 137 applicants out of every 1000 applicants in computer science stream were qualified, and only 4 out of 1000 applicants were admitted in premier institutions like IITs and IISc.

Paper Code
Paper Title
    Regd App QTot App% Qual%
AG Agricultural Engineering 672 649 158 96.58 24.35
AR Architecture & Planning 1387 1311 305 94.52 23.26
CE Civil Engineering 10165 9340 2370 91.88 25.37
CH Engineering 6874 6447 1542 93.79 23.92
CS Computer Science & Engg 40708 37797 5181 92.85 13.71
CY Chemistry 3174 2936 791 92.5 26.94
EC Electronics & Comm. Engg 34082 31567 4732 92.62 14.99
EE Engineering 19858 18548 3442 93.4 18.56
GG Geology & Geophysics 400 374 87 93.5 23.26
IN Instrumentation Engineering 5067 4765 663 94.04 13.91
MA Mathematics 1497 1342 293 89.65 21.83
ME Mechanical Engineering 28056 26241 4625 93.53 17.63
MN Mining Engineering 337 318 95 94.36 29.87
MT Metallurgical Engineering 1300 1185 339 91.15 28.67
PH Physics 2548 2358 598 92.54 25.36
PI Production & Ind.Engg 2682 2489 454 92.8 18.24
PY Pharmaceutical Sciences 6847 6475 1765 94.57 27.26
TF Textile Engg & Fibre Science 586 554 137 94.54 24.73
XE Engineering Sciences 1208 1087 267 89.98 24.56
XL Life Sciences 3849 3571 1033 92.78 28.93
  Total 171297 159354 28877 93.03 18.12

Regd : Number of candidates registered
App : Number of candidates finally appeared in the GATE.
App% : Percentage of applicants actually taking up the exam.
Qual% : Percentage of people who qualified among the candidates who appeared

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