- Main Papers (Non-XE/XL Papers)
- The question paper will be fully objective type for a total
of 150 marks divided into three groups:
- Group I: Question Numbers 1 to 20 (20 questions) will carry
one mark each.
- Group II: Question numbers 21 to 75 (55 questions) will
carry two marks each. Out of this, Q.71 to Q.75 may be common
data based questions.
- Group III: Question Numbers 76 to 85 (10 questions) will
carry two marks each. These questions are called linkedquestions. These 10 questions comprise five
pairs of questions (76 & 77, 78 & 79, etc.). The solution
to the second question of each pair (e.g. Q.77) will be linked
to the correct answer to the first one (e.g. Q.76) in the
Each question will have four choices for the answer. Only
one choice is correct.
Wrong answers carry 25% negative marks. In Q.1 to Q.20, 0.25
mark will be deducted for each wrong answer and in Q.21 to
Q.76, Q.78, Q.80, Q.82 and Q.84, 0.5 mark will be deducted
for each wrong answer. However, there is no negative marking
in Q.77, Q.79, Q.81, Q.83 and Q.85.
Papers bearing the code AG, CE, CH, CS, EC, EE, IN, IT, ME,
MN, MT, PI, TF will contain questions on Engineering Mathematics
to the extent of 20 to 25 marks.
- The multiple choice objective test questions can be of the
following type:
- Each choice containing a single stand-alone statement/phrase/data.
Q. The symmetry of stress tensor at a point in the body under
equilibrium is obtained from
- conservation of mass
- force equilibrium equations
- moment of equilibrium equations
- conservation of energy
- Each choice containing a combination of option codes.
The question may be accompanied by four options P, Q, R, S and
the choices may be a combination of these options. The candidate
has to choose the right combination as the correct answer.
Q. The infra-red stretching frequency νco of
(P) Mn(CO)6+ (Q)
(S) [V(CO)6]-
the order
- P>R>S>Q
- S>P>R>Q
- Q>S>P>R
- R>Q>P>S
- Assertion[a]/Reason[r] type with the choices stating
if [a]/[r] are True/False and/or stating if [r] is correct/incorrect
reasoning of [a] Example:
Q. Determine the correctness or otherwise of the following Assertion
[a] and the Reason [r]
Assertion: For a fully developed laminar flow in a circular
pipe the average velocity is one half of the maximum velocity.
Reason: The velocity for a fully developed laminar flow in a
circular pipe varies linearly in the radial direction.
- Both [a] and [r] are true and [r] is the correct reason
for [a]
- Both [a] and [r] are true but [r] is not the correct reason
for [a]
- Both [a] and [r] are false
- [a] is true but [r] is false
- Match items: Match all items in Column 1 with correct
options from those given in Column 2 and choose the correct
set of combinations from the choices A, B, C and D. Example:
Q. Group I contains some properties of bitumen. Group II gives
a list of laboratory tests conducted on bitumen to determine
the properties. Match the property with the corresponding test.
Group I |
Group II |
P. Resistance to flow |
1. Ductility test |
Q. Ability to deform under
load |
2. Penetration test |
R. Safety |
3. Flash and fire point
test |
(A) |
(B) |
(C) |
(D) |
P - 2 |
P - 2 |
P - 1 |
P - 3 |
Q - 1 |
Q - 3 |
Q - 2 |
Q - 1 |
R - 3 |
R - 1 |
R - 3 |
R - 2 |
- Common data based questions: Multiple questions may
be linked to a common problem data, passage and the like. Two
or three questions can be formed from the given common problem
data. Each question is independent and its solution obtainable
from the above problem data/passage directly. (Answer of the
previous question is not required to solve the next question).
Each question under this group will carry two marks. Example:
Common data for Q. 74 & 75: A glass-reinforced polymer
composite comprises of 35 vol % glass fibres and 65 vol % of
polymer resin. The elastic moduli of glass and polymer resin
are respectively 70 GPa and 3 GPa.
Q.74. The elastic modulus (in GPa) of the composite under
iso-strain state
(A) 4.51
(B) 25.45 (C) 26.45
(D) 27.45
Q.75. The elastic modulus (in GPa) of the composite under
iso-stress state is
(A) 3.51
(B) 4.51 (C) 6.51
(D) 26.45
- Linked answers question: These questions are of problem
solving type. A problem statement is followed by two questions
based on the problem statement. The two questions are to be
designed such that the solution to the second question depends
upon the answer to the first one. In other words, the first
answer is an intermediate step in working out the second answer.
Each question in such ‘linked answer questions’ will carry two
marks. Example:
Statement for linked answer Q. 76 & 77: : A four-hour
unit of a hydrograph of a catchment is triangular in shape with
a base of 80 hours. The area of the catchment is 720 km2. The
base flow and f-index are 30 m3/s and 1 mm/h, respectively.
A storm of 4 cm occurs uniformly in 4 hours over the catchment.
Q.76 The peak discharge of four-hour unit hydrograph
(A) 40 m3/s
(B) 50 m3/s (C) 60
m3/s (D) 70 m3/s
Q.77 The peak flood discharge due to the storm is
(A) 210 m3/s
(B) 230 m3/s (C)
260 m3/s (D) 720 m3/s
In the above simplistic example, the calculation of peak flood
discharge due to the storm in Q.77 requires the value of peak
discharge of four-hour unit hydrograph calculated in Q.76 as
the first step.
XE/XL Papers
- XE and XL papers contain a number of sections. Each Section
is of 50 marks. Each Section will be fully objective type and
the questions are divided into three groups.
- Group I: Question Numbers 1 to 6 (6 questions) will carry
one mark each (subtotal 6 marks).
- Group II: Question numbers 7 to 24 (18 questions) will carry
two marks each (subtotal 36 marks). Out of this, Q.23 and
Q.24 may be common data based questions.
- Group III: Question Numbers 25 to 28 (4 questions) will
carry two marks each. These questions are called linked
answer questions. These 4 questions comprise two pairs of
questions (25 & 26 and 27 & 28). The solution to the second
question of each pair (e.g. Q.26) will be linked to the correct
answer to the first one (e.g. Q.25) in the pair (subtotal
8 marks).
- All questions have four choices with only one being correct.
- Wrong answers carry 25% negative marks. In Q.1 to Q.6 of each
section, 0.25 mark will be deducted for each wrong answer and
in Q.7 to Q.25 and Q.27, 0.5 mark will be deducted for each wrong
answer. However, there is no negative marking in Q.26 and Q.28.
The pattern of multiple-choice questions is the same as in the
Main papers as described in Main Papers(e).