1.Material Collection
- Syllabus
- All the relevant books based on the subject(Divide the books
in two groups - (1) Fundamental and basic concepts (2) Problem
- Some books helpful for pre-requisite knowledge on the subject
- Some good guide books for GATE
- Previous questions papers
2.Keep contact with some expert and GATE experienced persons
3.Study - Syllabus and Previous questions papers
4.Start from the first chapter
- read at least 5 books, it will widen your knowledge(if necessary
consult with the books for pre-requisite knowledge or with some
- Note down the probable concepts(definitions, unit, dimension
- Note down necessary theories, formulae etc
- Solve problems as maximum as possible(from text books, Guide
books etc)
- Think about various tricks in solving problems(if necessary,
note it)
- Go for series of http://www.yuvajobs.com/education/gate/GATE_Tips_Tricks.asp# -