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Sample questions of Theory of Computation.........

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Printed Date: 13Feb2025 at 3:06pm

Topic: Sample questions of Theory of Computation.........
Posted By: Arpita
Subject: Sample questions of Theory of Computation.........
Date Posted: 13Feb2007 at 6:05pm

Que. 1      The language L={(a^k)(b^k) | k>or= 1} is
A         type 3 grammer
B         type 2 grammer
C         type 1 grammer
D         type 0 grammer

Que. 2     Recursive languages are
A         a proper superset of context free languages
B         always recognizable by pushdown automata
C         also called type zero lanugages
D         all of these

Que. 3     A grammer that is both left and right recursive for a nopn-terminal is
A         ambiguous
B         unambiguous
C         information is not sufficient to decide whether it is ambiguous or
D         none of the above

Que. 4     For what values of n is 10*n*log2 (n) >2*(n^2)?
A         only n>/= 32
B         only 0< font < ="20">
C         only 20
D         only n>/=0

Que. 5     Let * be defined as x*y = x' + y.Let z = x * y .Value of z*x is
A         x' + y
B         x
C         0
D         1

Que. 6     Which of the following regular expressions over {0,1} denotes the set of all strings not containing
          100 as a substring
A         0*(1+0)*
B         0*1010*
C         0*1*01*
D         0*(10+1)*

Que. 7     Which of the following grammer rules violate the requirements of an operator
grammer? P,Q,R are nonterminals and r,s,t are terminals.            (i)
P -> Q R            (ii) P -> QsR            (iii) P -> e            (iv)P
A         (i) only
B         (i) and (iii) only
C         (ii) and (iii) only
D         (iii) and (iv) only

Que. 8     indicate which ofthe following statments are true      Recursive language
A         A proper superset of context free languages
B         always recognizable by pushdown automata
C         recognizable by turing machine
D         also called type-0 languages

Que. 9     Which of the following is not decidable?
A         Given a  Turing machine M,a string s and an integer k,M accepts s
within k steps
B         Equivalence of two given Turing machines
C         Language Accepted by a given finite state machine is not empty
D         language generated by a context free grammer is not empty

Que. 10     Regarding the power of recognition of languages,Which of the following
statments is false?
A         the non-deterministic finite-state automata are equivalent to deterministic
finite state automata.
B         non-deterministic push down automata are equivalent to deterministic
push down automata.
C         non-deterministic Turing machines are equivalent to deterministic
to  push down automata.
D         non-deterministic Turing machines are equivalent to deterministic
Turing machines

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