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Sample Paper for E&C

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Topic: Sample Paper for E&C
Posted By: Priya
Subject: Sample Paper for E&C
Date Posted: 04Jan2007 at 3:49pm
Electronics & Communication
1 A digital-to-analog converter with a full-scale output voltage of 3.5 V has a resolution close to 14m V. Its bit size is
A) 4
B) 8
C) 16
D) 32
Answer : (B)

2 A single-phase half-controlled rectifier is driving a separately excited dc motor. The dc motor has a back emf constant of 0.5 V/rpm. The armature current is 5 A without any ripple. The armature resistance is 2W. The converter is working from a 280 V, single phase ac source with a firing angle of 80°. Under this operating condition, the speed of the motor will be
A) 339 rpm
B) 359 rpm
C) 366 rpm
D) 386 rpm
Answer : (C)

3 In relation to the synchronous machines, which one of the following statements is false?
A) In salient pole machines, the direct-axis synchronous reactance is greater than the quadrature-axis synchronous reactance
B) The damper bars help the synchronous motor self start
C) Short circuit ratio is the ratio of the field current required to produce the rated voltage on open circuit to the rated armature current
D) The V-curve of a synchronous motor represents the variation in the armature current with field excitation, at a given output power
Answer : (C)

4 A parallel plate air-filled capacitor has plate area of l0-4 m2 and plate separation of 10-3 m. It is connected to a 0.5 V, 3.6 GHz source. The magnitude of the displacement current is (e0 = 1/36p x 10-9 F/m)
A) 10 mA
B) 100 mA
C) 10 A
D) 1.59 mA
Answer : (A)

5 The 8085 assembly language instruction that stores the content of H and L registers into the memory locations 2050H and 2051H, respectively, is
A) SPHL 2050H
B) SPHL2051H
C) SHLD 2050H
D) STAX 2050H
Answer : (C)

6 If E is the electric field intensity, Ñ(Ñ x E ) is equal to
A) E
B) | E |
C) null vector
D) zero
Answer : (D)

7 The insulation strength of an EHV transmission line is mainly governed by
A) load power factor
B) switching over-voltages
C) harmonics
D) corona
Answer : (B)

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