Que. 1 in serial communication employing 8 data bits,a parity bit and 2 stop bits, the minimum band rate required to sustain a transfer rate of 300 charecters per secound is
A 2400 band B 19200 band C 3300 band D 1200 band
Que. 2 the ASCII code is for inforation interchange by a binary code for
A numbers only B alphabets only C alpha numerics and other common D none of these
Que. 3 Traffic light on road are example of
A close loop system B open loop system C both open loop and close loop D open loop but can be made close loop
Que. 4 how many address lines are needed to address each memory location in a 2048*4 memory chip?
A 10 B 11 C 8 D 12
Que. 5 which code is used in Baudot system?
A five unit B seven unit C morse D ASCII
Que. 6 the advantage of the self correcting code is
A it is a weighted code B it has even parity C it is easy to decode electronically D all of these
Que. 7 The number -34 is represented in Excess-3 BCD code is
A 1,1001 1000 B 0,1001 1001 C 1,0110 0011 D 0,0110 0111
Que. 8 which of the following is not a charecteristic of rise processor design?
A one instruction per cycle B registor to registor operations only C simple address modes D registor to memory operations only
Que. 9 The octal representation of an integer is (342)8 if this were to be treated as an eight bit integer in an 8085 based computer its decimal equivalent is
A 226 B -98 C 76 D -30
Que. 10 A storage medium with cannot support both direct access and sequential access application is
A magnetic drup B hard disk C magnetic tape D floopy drive
Que. 11 The majour disadvantage of magnetic tapes is
A cost B unreliability of stored data C slow data recording D data is to be accessed sequentially
Que. 12 In time division multiplexing
A time is doubled betwen bits and byte B time slicing at CPU level takes place C total time available in the channel is divided between several users and each users is alloted a time slice D none of these
Que. 13 The number of full and half-adders required to add 16-bit numbers is
A 8 half-adders, 8 full-adders B 1 half-adder, 15 full-adders C 16 half-adders, 0 full-adders D 4 half-adders, 12 full-adders
Que. 14 The simultaneous equations on the Boolean variables x, y, z and w, x+y+z=l xy =0 xz+w = l x+[(complement)z w] =0 have the following solution for x, y, z and w, respectively.
A 0 1 0 0 B 1 1 0 1 C 1 0 1 1 D 1 0 0 0
Que. 15 The 2's complement representation of (-539) 10 in hexadecimal is
A ABE (BDBC B wx'y'+xy+xz C DE5 D 9E7
Que. 16 How many gates are needed for 3-bit up counter using standard binary and using T flip-flop?Assume unlimited fan-in
A 4 B 3 C 2 D 1
Que. 17 A boolean function x'y'+xy+x'y is equivalent to
A x'+y' B x+y C x+y' D x'+y
Que. 18 In an SR latch by crossing coupling two NAND gates if both S and R inputs are set to 0 then it will result in
A Q=0, Q'=1 B Q=1, Q'=0 C Q=1, Q'=1 D indeterminate state
Que. 19 In 2's complement addition overflow
A is flagged whenever there is carry from sign bit addition B cannot occur when positive values added to the negative value C is flagged whenever there is carry from sign bit solution D none of the above
Que. 20 the minimum number of NAND gates required to implement the boolean function A+AB+ABC=
A 0 B 1 C 4 D 7
Que. 21 an R-S latch is a
A combinatorial ckt B synchronous sequential ckt C 1-bit memory arrangement D one clock delay element
Que. 22 Ques 25. in an 8085 microprocessor system the RST instruction will cause an interrupt
A only if an interrupt service routine is not being executed B only if a bit in the intreeupt mask is made 0 C only if interrupts have been enabled by an EI INSTRUCTION D NONE OF THE ABOVE
Que. 23 the minimum number of two input NAND gate required to iomplement the boolean function _ Z=ABC,ASSUME that A,Band C are available is
A 2 B 3 C 5 D 6
Que. 24 The threshold level for logic 1 in the TTL family is
A only voltage above 2.5V B any voltage between 0.8V and 5.0V C any voltage below 5.0V D any voltage below V(cc) but above 2.8V
Que. 25 the binary fraction 0.0111 in decimal form is equal to
A 0.4375 B 0.6225 C 0.8325 D 0.1105
Que. 26 in order to add 1111+1101, we required
A one FA,one HA B three FA C three FA,one HA D none of these
Que. 27 A system has a word length of 4-bits.If in this system -ve numbers are represented by their Two's compliment,then the range of numbers that can be represented by the word length is
A -8 to +8 B -7 to +7 C -16 to +16 D none of these
Que. 28 The decimal value 0.25
A is equivalent to binary value 0.1 B is equivalent to the binary value 0.01 C is equivalent to the binary value 0.00111 D cannot be represented precisely in binary
Que. 29 How many boolean functions of 3 variables are there?
A 16 B 64 C 256 D 512
Que. 30 The number of 1s in the binary representation of (3*4096+15*256+5*16+3) are
A 8 B 9 C 10 D 12
Que. 31 The threshold level for logic 1 in the TTL family is
A any voltage above 2.5v B any voltage between 0.8v and 5.0v C any voltage below 5.0v D any voltage below V(cc) but above 2.8v
Que. 32 In order to add 1111+1101, we required A one FA,one HA B three FA C three FA,one HA D none of these
Que. 33 The number of different boolean function of 4 variables are
A 2^16 B 16^2 C 4^2 D 16^4
Que. 34 A carry look ahead adder is frequently used for addition because, it A is faster B more accurate C used fewer gates D costs less
Que. 35 The 2's complement representation of the decimal value 15 is
A 1111 B 11111 C 111111 D 10001
Que. 36 Sign extension is a step in
A Floating point multiplication B Signed 16 bit integer addition C Arithmetic left shift D Converting a signed integer from one size to another.
Que. 37 Zero has two representation in
A sign magnitude B 1's complement C 2's complement D none of the above
Que. 38 how many address lines are needed to address each memory location in a 2048*4 memory chip?
A 10 B 11 C 8 D 12
Que. 39 which code is used in Baudot system?
A five unit B seven unit C morse D ASCII
Que. 40 If a counter having 10FFs is initally at 0,what count will if hold after 2060 pulses.
A 000 000 1100 B 000 001 1100 C 000 001 1000 D 000 000 1110