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Printed From: One Stop GATE
Category: GATE Technical Discussions
Forum Name: GATE ME
Forum Discription: General Technical Discussions, Queries, doubts etc. for GATE in CS.
Printed Date: 10Mar2025 at 6:19am

Posted By: Ravindra
Date Posted: 03Feb2007 at 3:51pm
Consider a drop of water on a table. U cant find it after some time. Because it evaporates. But for water to evaporate at a pressure of 1 bar its temperature should increase to 100 degree centigrade. Then why did the water evaporate

Posted By: Mehul
Date Posted: 03Feb2007 at 3:54pm
Evaporation is a surface effect. The temperature of a body of water
represents an AVERAGE value of the kinetic energy of the water molecules in
the water. Some of those molecules have a "higher than average" kinetic
energy and break free of the surface to become water vapor. As this happens
over time, the remaining body of water becomes slightly cooler (as water
molecules with higher kinetic energy have "left"). That is why sweat
evaporating from your body provides a mechanism to cool you off.

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