AE-Aerospace Engineering.
Maths: Advanced Engineering Mathematics - Grewal Advanced Engineering Mathematics - Kreizig
Flight Mechanics: Introduction to flight - Anderson Aircraft Performance & Design - Anderson Flight Stability and Automatic Control - Robert C Nelson Airplane Stability and Control - Pertin and Hage Aerodynamics,Aeronautics and Flight Mechanics - Barnes.W.Mcormick
Space Mechanics: Rocket Propulsion ans space Dynamics - Cornelisse Space Mechanics - Nelson, Walter C.; Loft, Ernest E. Introduction To Space Dynamics - Thomson, William Tyrrell Introduction to flight - Anderson
Aerodynamics: Introduction to flight - Anderson Fundamentals of Aerodynamics - Anderson Aerodynamics for Engineering Students - Houghton and Carpenter/Caruthers Aerodynamics - Clancy Modern Compressible flow - Anderson Gas dynamics - Rathakrishnan Viscous flow - F M white
Structures: Analysis of Aircraft Structures: An Introduction -Donaldson Analysis and Design of Flight Vehicle Structures - Bruhn Aircraft structures for engineering students - T.H.G. Megson Theory of vibration - Meirovich
Propulsion: Mechanics and Thermodynamics of Propulsion - Hill and petersen Gas Turbine Theory - H Cohen,GFC Rogers,HIH Saravanamutto Gas Turbine Engine Handbook - Meherwan P.Boyce Elements of Rocket Propulsion - Sutton
For Basic Fundamentals: Principles of Flight - Mike Burton From the ground up - Sandy MacDonalds Flight without Formulae - Kermode Mechanics of Flight - Kermode
All the Best...
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