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Entropy Change

Printed From: One Stop GATE
Category: GATE Previous Years Test Papers - Discuss Here
Forum Name: ME Papers
Forum Discription: ME Previous Year GATE Papers to can discussed here.
Printed Date: 08Feb2025 at 1:57pm

Topic: Entropy Change
Posted By: balu
Subject: Entropy Change
Date Posted: 22Feb2007 at 9:57am
 hi friends....
In the entropy chapter of thermodynamics it has been formulated that

(Integral of dQ/T) for a irreversible process < S2 - S1 i.e the change in S;

my doubt is
how do they find the value of (Integral of dQ/T) for an irreversible process in the first place???
For a reversible process the value can be found by replacing the entire process by infinitesimally small alternate adiabatic and isothermal processes. But the same approach cannot work for an irreversible process, can it??
Can anyone please consider and answer my query....
Thanx in advance.....
ALL THE BEST for GATE 2007!!! Very Happy

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