1 The value of the following improper integral is

- The directional derivative of the following function at (1,2) in the direction of (4i+3j) is:

3 The Laplace Transform of the following function is

(A) for all s>0
(B) for all s < p
(c) for all s>0
(d) for all s >0
4 The limit of the following sequence as n ® ¥ is:

5 A steel beam (with a constant El, and span L) is fixed at both ends
and carries a uniformly distributed load (w kN/m), which is gradually
increased till the beam reaches the stage of plastic collapse (refer to
the following figure). Assuming 'B' to be at mid-span, which of the
following is true,

- Hinges are formed at A, B and C together
- Hinges are formed at B and then at A and C together
- Hinges are formed at A and C together and then at B
- Hinges are formed at A and C only
6 As per the provisions of IS 456-2000, in the limit state method
for. design of beams, the limiting value of the depth of neutral axis
in a reinforced concrete beam of effective depth 'd’ given as: .
- 0.53d
- 0.48d
- 0.46d
- any of the, above depending on the different grades of steel

7 ISA 100 x 100 x 10 mm (Cross sectional area = 1908 mm 2) serves as
tensile member. This angle is welded to a gusset plate along A and B
appropriately as shown. Assuming the yield strength of the steel to be
260 N/ mm2 the tensile strength of this member can be taken to be
(A) 500 kN
(B) 300 kN
(C) 225 kN
(D) 375 kN
8 ISA 100 x 100 x 10 mm (Cross sectional area = 1908 mm 2) is welded
along A and B (Refer to figure for question 2.7), such that the lengths
of the weld along A and B are 1 1 and 1 2, respectively. Which of the
following is a possibly acceptable combination of 1 1 and 1 2.
(A) 1 1 = 60 mm and 1 2 = 150 mm
(B) 1 1= 150 mm and 1 2 = 60 mm
(C) 1 1 = 150 mm and 1 2 = 150 mm
(D) Any of the above, depending on the size of the weld.
9 In the propped cantilever beam carrying a uniformly distributed
load of w N/m, shown in the following Figure, the reaction at the
support B is

10 An infinite slope is to be constructed in a soil. The effective
stress strength parameters of the soil are c’=O and f '= 30°. The
saturated unit weight of the slope is 20 kN/m 3 and the unit weight of
water is 10 kN/m 3. Assuming that seepage is occurring parallel to the
slope, the maximum slope angle for a factor of safety of 1.5 would be:
(A) 10.89°
(B) 11.30°
11 If the effective stress strength parameters of a soil are c'=10
kPa and 0'=30°, the shear strength on a plane within the saturated soil
mass at a point where the total normal stress is 300 kPa and pore water
pressure is 150 kPa will be:
- 90.5 kPa
- 96.6 kPa
- 101.5 kPa
- 1O5.5.kPa
12 The time for a clay layer to achieve 85% consolidation is 10
years. If the layer was half as thick, 10 times more permeable and 4
times more compressible then the time that would be required to achieve
the same degree of consolidation is:
- 1 year
- 5 years
- 12 years
- 16 years
13 In a triaxial test carried out on a cohesion less soil sample with a cell pressure of
20 kPa, the observed value of applied stress at the point of failure
was 40 kPa. The angle of internal friction of the soil is:
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