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Model test paper for computer science

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Topic: Model test paper for computer science
Posted By: Priya
Subject: Model test paper for computer science
Date Posted: 13Feb2007 at 10:50am

1. What is the name of the series of Laptop computers manufactured by IBM called?
LapPad     ThinkPad     Aptiva     Notepaq

2. What is the name of the 64-bit Microprocessor developed by AMD?
Opteron     RISC-9000     iMac     Athlon

3. Which computer periperal manufacturer quotes - Empowering your PC
Canon     Epson     Mercury     Samsung

4. Nortel is a company into manufactures
Software     Processors     Cables     Network equiptment

5. Who among the following is a Personal Computer manufacturer from Taiwan
Sony     IBM     Samsung     Acer

6. SCSI is a term related with
Storage     Network Data Transfer     Keystroke Rate     Picture resolution

7. Which company did SCO sue for using code UNIX in its Operating System?
RedHat     SuSE     IBM     Microsoft

8. What are the units used to count the speed of a printer?
CPM     DPI     PPM     BIT

9. Which of the following organizations looks at standards for representation of data on the Internet ?
ISOC     W3C     IEEE     IETE

10. What is the other name for a LAN Card?
NIC     Network Connector     MODEM     Internet Card

11. Which of the following cables can transmit data at high speeds
Coaxial Cable     Optic Fibre Cable     Twistedpair Cable     UTP Cable

12. What is the name of the latest Server Operating System developed by Microsoft?
Windows NT     Windows 2000     Windows XP     Windows 2003

13. Which of the following is a term related with scanners?
Laser     TWAIN     Catridge     Media

14. Who is the founder of BSD Unix?
Bill Gates     Dennis Ritche     Bill Joy     Linux Torvalds

15. Who is the founder of Oracle Corporation?
Bill Gates     Lars Ellison     Andrew S Grove     Marc Andreeson

16. What is the name of the software that allows us to browse through web pages called?
Browser     Mail Client     FTP Client     Messenger

17. Macromedia is a name of a company related with
Hardware     Software     Periperals     Services

18. What is the address given to a computer connected to a network called?
System Address     SYSID     Process ID     IP Address

19. Direct X is a _____
Computer Part     Software that drives Graphic hardware     A User Interface     None of these

20. When you purchase a product over a Mobile Phone, the transaction is called ___
Web Commerce     e-Commerce     m-Commerce     Mobile Purchases

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