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2004- year ECE GATE Paper

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Topic: 2004- year ECE GATE Paper
Posted By: Priya
Subject: 2004- year ECE GATE Paper
Date Posted: 14Feb2007 at 5:04pm

1.  The  impurity  commonly  used  for  realizing  the  base  region  of  a  silicon  n-p-n
    transistor is
    (a)  Gallium  (b)  Indium  (c)  Boron  (d) Phosphorus

2.  If for  a silicon n-p-n  transistor, the base-to-emitter voltage (VBE) is 0.7V and the
    collector-to-base voltage (VCB ) is 0.2V, then the transistor is operating in the
    (a)  normal active mode    (b)  saturation mode
    (c)  inverse active mode   (d)  cutoff mode

3.   An ideal op-amp is an ideal
    (a)  voltage controlled current source  (b)  voltage controlled voltage source
    (c)  current controlled current source  (d)  current controlled voltage source
4.  Voltage series feedback (also called series shunt feedback) results in
    (a)  increase in both input and output impedances
    (b)  decrease in both input and output impedances
    (c)  increase in input impedance and decrease in output impedance
    (d)  decrease in input impedance and increase in output impedance

5.  master slave flip-flop has the characteristic that
    (a)  change in the input immediately reflected in the output
    (b)  change in the output occurs when the state of the master is affected
    (c)  change in the output occurs when the state of the slave is affected
    (d)  both the master and the slave states are affected at the same time
6.  The  range  of  signed  decimal  numbers  that  can  be  represented  by  6-bite  1‘s
    complement number is
    (a)  -31 to +31  (b)  -63 to +64  (c)  -64 to +63  (d) -32 to +31

7.   A  digital  system is  required  to  amplify  a  binary-encoded  audio  signal.  The         user should be able to control the gain of the amplifier from a minimum to a maximum
     in  100  increments.  The minimum  number  of  bits  required to  encode, in straight
     binary is
     (a)  8  (b)  6  (c)  5  (d) 7

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