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2003- year EE GATE Paper

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Topic: 2003- year EE GATE Paper
Posted By: Smitha
Subject: 2003- year EE GATE Paper
Date Posted: 14Feb2007 at 11:12am

1.The  current  passing  through  an  inductor  of resistance  1  ohm and  inductance  2  H.  The  energy  absorbed  by  the  inductor  in  the first four seconds is
  (a)  144 J
 (b)  98 J
 (c)  132 J
 (d)  168 J
2.  Two  infinite  strips  of width  w  m  in  x    are  carrying
forward  and  return  currents  of  +I  and  œI  in  the  z  direction.  The  strips  are separated  by  a  distance  of  xm.  The  inductance  per  unit  length  of  the configuration is measured to be L H/m. If the distance of separation between the
strips is now reduced to  ,2x m the inductance per unit length of the configuration is
 (a)  2L H/m
 (b)  L/4 H/m
 (c)  L/2 H/m
 (d)  4L H/m
 3.  A  single  phase  transformer  has  a  maximum  efficiency  of  90%  at  full  load  and unity power factor. Efficiency at half load at the same power factor is
  (a)  86.7%  (b)  88.26%  (c)  88.9%  (d) 87.8%
4.  Group  I  lists  different  applications  and  Group  II  lists  the  motors  for  these applications.  Match the  application  with  the most  suitable motor  and  choose  the right combination among the choices given thereafter  Group I  Group II P   Food mixer  1  Permanent magnet dc motor
Q  Cassette tape recorder  2  Single phase induction motor
R  Domestic water pump  3  Universal motor
S  Escalator  4  Three phase induction motor
5  DC series motor   6  Stepper motor
 (a)  P œ 3  Q œ 6  R œ 4  S - 5  (b)  P œ 1  Q œ 3  R œ 2  S - 4
 (c)  P œ 3  Q œ 1  R œ 2  S - 4  (d)  P œ 3  Q œ 2  R œ 1  S - 4
5.  A stand-alone engine driven Synchronous generator is feeding  a partly inductive
load.  A  capacitor  is  now  connected  across  the  load  to  completely  nullify  the
inductive current. For this operating condition.  
  (a)  the field current and fuel input have to be reduced  
  (b)  the field current and fuel input have to be increased
  (c)  the field current has to be increased and fuel input left unaltered
  (d)  the field current has to be reduced and fuel input left unaltered
6.  Curves X and Y in Fig.Q9 denote open circuit and full-load zero power factor (zpf) characteristics  of asynchronous  generator.  Q  is a  point on the  zpf characteristics
at  1.0  p.u.  voltage.  The  vertical  distance  PQ  in  Fig.Q.9  gives  the  voltage  drop across  X  Voltage (p.u)
  (a)  Synchronous reactance
  (b)  Magnetizing reactance
  (c)  Potier reactance
  (d)  Leakage reactance
7.  No-load  test  on  a  3-phase  induction  motor  was  conducted  at  different  supply  PY 1.0 Q Field Current
voltages  and  a  plot  of  input  power  versus  voltage  was  drawn.  This  curve  was extrapolated to intersect the y-axis. This intersection point yields
  (a)  Core loss      (b)  Stator copper loss
 (c)  Stray load loss      (d)  Friction and windage loss
8.  Bundled conductors are  mainly used in  high  voltage overhead  transmission lines to
  (a)  reduce transmission line losses
 (b)  increase mechanical strength of the line
 (c)  reduce corona      (d)  reduce sag
9.   A  power  system  consists  of  300  buses  out  of  which  20  buses  are  generator buses,  25 buses are  the ones with reactive power support  and  15 buses are  the ones  with  fixed  shunt  capacitors.  All  the  other  buses  are  load  buses.  It  is
proposed  to  perform  a  load  flow  analysis  for  the system  using  Newton-Raphson method. The size of the Newton-Raphson Jacobian matrix is
  (a)  553×553  (b)  540×540  (c)  555×555  (d) 554×554
10.  Choose  two  appropriate  auxiliary  components  of  a  HVDC  transmission  system from the following
  P  D.C. line inductor
 Q  A.C. line inductor
 R  Reactive power sources
 S  Distance relays on D.C. line
 T  Series capacitance of A.C. line
 (a)  P and Q  (b)  P and R  (c)  Q and S  (d) S and T
 11.  A  round  rotor  generator  with internal  voltage E1  = 2.0 p.u.  and  X  = 1.1 p.u.  is
connected to a round rotor synchronous motor with internal voltage E2  = 1.3 p.u.
and X = 1.2 p.u. The reactance of the line connecting the generator to the motor
is 0.5 p.u. when the generator supplies 0.5 p.u. power, the rotor angle difference
between the machines will be
  (a)  57.42°  (b)  1°  (c)  32.58°  (d) 122.58°
12.  The interrupting time of a circuit breaker is the period between the instant of
 (a)  initiation of short circuit and the arc extinction on an opening operation
 (b)  energizing of the trip circuit and the arc extinction on an opening operation
 (c)  initiation of short circuit and the parting of primary arc contacts
 (d)  energizing of the trip circuit and the parting of primary arc contacts

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