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2005- year ECE GATE Paper

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Topic: 2005- year ECE GATE Paper
Posted By: Priya
Subject: 2005- year ECE GATE Paper
Date Posted: 14Feb2007 at 5:13pm

1.  The first and the last critical frequency of an RC-driving point impedance function
    must respectively be
   (a)  a zero and a pole     (b)  a zero and a zero
   (c)  a pole and a pole     (d)  a pole and a zero
2. The cascode amplifier is a multistage configuration of
   (a)  CC-CB  (b)  CE-CB  (c)  CB-CC  (d) CE-CC
3. Decimal 43 in Hexadecimal and BCD number system is respectively 
   (a)  B2, 0100 0011      (b)  2B, 0100 0011
   (c)  2B, 0011 0100      (d)  B2, 0100 0100

4. The band gap of Silicon at room temperature is:
   (a)  1.3 eV  (b)  0.7 eV  (c)  1.1 eV  (d) 1.4 eV
5.  A Silicon PN junction at a temperature of 20°C has a reverse saturation current of
    10 pico-Amperes (pA).  The reverse  saturation current at  40°C for the  same  bias
    is approximately 
    (a)  30 pA  (b)  40 pA  (c)  50 pA  (d) 60 pA
6. The  primary  reason  for  the  widespread  use  of  Silicon  in  semiconductor  device
    technology is
    (a)  abundance of Silicon on the surface of the Earth.
    (b)  larger bandgap of Silicon in comparison to Germanium.
    (c)  favorable properties of Silicon-dioxide (SiO2)
    (d)  lower melting point
7.  The effect of current shunt feedback in an amplifier is to
    (a)  increase the input resistance and decrease the output resistance.
    (b)  increase both input and output resistances.
    (c)  decreases both input and output resistances.
    (d)  decrease the input resistance and increase the output resistance.

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