Que. 1 An ideal voltage source coil charge on ideal capacitor A is infinite time B exponentially C insatntaneously D none of the above
Que. 2 A real transformer with primary and secondary winding each of 2H with dots placed at the top.the primary leakage inductance of the transformer would be A 1H B 2H C 4H D 12H
Que. 3 The transfer function of a linear time invarient system represented by a vector matrix differential equation X=(AX+Bu) and the output Y=(CX+Du) is given by A [C(sI-A)^-1.B] B C(sI-A)^-1.B+D C B(sI-A)^-1.C D B(sI-A)^-1.C+D
Que. 4 For a transfer function H(s)=[P(s)/Q(s)] where P(s) and Q(s) are polynomial in s. A the degree of P(s) is always greater than the degree of Q(s) B the degree of P(s) and Q(s) are same C the degree of P(s) is independent of the degree of Q(s) D the maximum degree of P(s) and Q(s) differ at most by one
Que. 5 Two alternating voltage quantities are represented by e1= 60 sin(wt-30degree) and e2=10 cos(wt).then A e1 lags e2 by 30degree B e2 leads e1 by 60degree C e1 leads e2 by 60degree D e2 leads e1 by 120degree
Que. 6 A two terminal black box contains an element which can be R,L,C or M as soon as the black box is connected to a DC voltage source a finite nonzero current is observed to flow through the element.The element is A a resistance B an inductance C a capacitance D a mutual inductance
Que. 7 In a R-L-C series resonant ckt at the half power points A the current is half of the current at response B the impedance is half of the impedance at response C the resistance is half of the resultant at response D none of the above
Que. 8 A sinusoidal voltage V and freq. f is connected to a series ckt at variable resistance R anda fixed reacance X.The locus of the tip of the current phasor I as R is varied from 0 to infinity is A a semicircle with a dimeter 0.1V/X B a straight line with a slop R/X C an ellipse with V/R as majour axis D a circle at radius R/X and origin at(0,V/2)
Que. 9 The laplace transform function of the function i(t) is I(s)=10(s+4)/[s(s+1)(s^2+4s+5)] its final value will be A 4/5 B 5/4 C 4 D 5
Que. 10 The resistance of a strip of a copper of a rectangular cross-section is2 ohm.A metal of resistivity twice that of copper is coated on its upper surface to a thickness equal tothat of copper strip.the resistance of composite strip will be A 6 ohms B 4/3 ohms C 3/2 ohms D 3/4 ohms
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